October 16, 2024

Comparison between Company, Limited Liability Partnership and Partnership

What is Company?

A company is a legal entity formed by one or more individuals to engage in and operate a business. Company means an artificial person incorporated under Companies Act, 2013. After incorporation, company becomes a legal entity (separate entity) which means that company is separate from its members. A company may be organised in various ways for tax and financial liability purposes, depending on the laws of the jurisdiction where it is formed.

Companies can have a variety of different structures, from single-owner sole proprietorships to large corporations with many shareholders. Companies can be either public or private and must generally be registered on the state level. A company has many of the same legal rights and responsibilities as a person does, such as the ability to enter into contracts, borrow money, pay taxes, own assets, sue (or be sued), and hire employees.

What is Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)?

A LLP is a form of general partnership where each partner’s liability is limited. Partners are not held liable/responsible for the wrongful acts of other partners but may still be liable for contractual obligations, depending on the regulations of the state.

In other words, a limited liability partnership (LLP) is a flexible legal and tax entity where every partner has a limited personal liability for the debts or claims of the partnership.

Having business partners means spreading risk, leveraging individual skills and expertise, and establishing a division of labor. Having business partners means spreading risk, leveraging individual skills and expertise, and establishing a division of labor.

What is Partnership?

A partnership is the relation between two or more that allows them to carry the business according to their agreement or partnership deed. Those partners share the ownership and profits, but they also share the work, responsibility, and potential losses. Partners may contribute capitallaborskills, and experience to the business. They may have unlimited legal liability for the actions of the partnership and its partners.  

A partnership can even start without an oral or written contract.Where there is a written contract between the partners, it is called a partnership agreement. The partners agree on the purpose of the partnership and their rights and responsibilities.

Comparison between Company, Partnership and LLP

MeaningIt is an artificial person incorporated under companies act.It is a partnership made by two or more persons with limited liability.It is the relation between persons who have agreed to share profits and loss of business carried by all.
DefineSection 2(56) of Companies Act, 2013Section 2 of LLP Act, 2008Section 4 of Indian Partnership Act, 1932
CreationCreated by lawCreated by lawCreated by contract
Separate EntityIt has separate legal entityIt has Separate entityDoes not have separate entity
Charter DocumentMemorandum of Association and Article of AssociationLLP AgreementPartnership Deed
Perpetual SuccessionIt has perpetual succession and members come and goIt has perpetual succession and members/partners may come and goIt does not have perpetual succession as this depends on the will of partners
Common SealHave common sealalso have common sealno concept of common seal
Legal ProceedingsCompany can sue or be suedLLP can sue or be suedOnly Registered partnership can sue third party and third party can sued the firm irrespective of registration
No. of membersPrivate: Min. 2 & Max. 200
Public: Min. 7 and Max. unlimited
Min. 2 and Max. unlimitedMin. 2 and Max 20
Principal/Agent relationshipDirectors are agents to company and not to othersPartners are agents to LLP and not to othersPartners are agents to partnership and also to other partners
Identification No.Directors must have DINPartners must have DPINNot required
DissolutionVoluntary or by the order of National Company Law TribunalVoluntary or by the order of National Company Law TribunalBy agreement, insolvency, court orders, mutual consent, certain contingencies
Admission of memberA person can be admitted by buying sharesA person can be admitted as partner as per LLP agreementA person can become partner as per deed

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