July 1, 2024
DU LLBLaw of TortsSemester 1

Rajkot muncipal corporation V Manjulben jayantilal Nakum & orss 1997 ( 9) ACC 552


  • Three ingredients
    • There was a legal duty of defendant
    • Breach of the duty
    • Plaintiff sustained some legal injury
  • Tortious liability falls
    • Some intentional wrong doing
    • Negligence −Negligence is a concept which can not be applied in straight jacket formula .
    • Strict liability
  • Article 136 of the constitution of India − Special leave
  • Res ipsa loquitur − Fact speaks itself
  • There is no reasonable proximity between the duty of care and the doctrine of neighborhood laid by the House of Lords in Donoghue v/s. Stevenson [(1932) AC 562].

It is foreseeable or is likely to harm by one’s carelessness is essential.

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