September 18, 2024
CRPC Law of Crimes 2DU LLBSemester 2

154th Report of the Law Commission on The Criminal Procedure Code CHAPTER XIIIPLEA BARGAINING

1. The arrears of criminal cases awaiting trial are assuming menacing proportions.

Grievances have been vented in public that the disposal of criminal trials in the courts takes

considerable time and that in many cases trials do not commence for as long a period as three

to four years after the accused was remitted to judicial custody. Large number of persons

accused of criminal offences have not been able to secure bail for one reason or the other and

have to languish in jails as undertrial prisoners for years. It is also a matter of common

knowledge that majority of the cases ultimately end in acquittal. The accused have to undergo

mental torture and also have to spend considerable amount by way of legal expenses and the

public exchequer has to bear the resultant economic burden. During the course of detention as

undertrial prisoners the accused persons are exposed to the influence of hardcore criminals.

Quite apart from this the accused have to remain in a state of uncertainty and are unable to

settle down in life for a number of years awaiting the completion of trial. Huge arrears of

criminal cases are a common feature in almost all the criminal courts. It is in this background

the Law Commission felt that some remedial legislative measures to reduce the delays in the

disposal of criminal trials and appeals and also to alleviate the suffering of undertrial prisoners.

The Law Commission in its 142nd Report on Concessional Treatment of Offenders who on

their own initiative choose to plead guilty without any bargaining (1991) considered the

question of introduction of the concept of concessional treatment for those who choose to plead

guilty by way of plea-bargaining.

2. The justification for introducing, plea-bargaining cannot be expressed any better than

what the Twelfth Law Commission in its 142nd Report had already done as below:

(1) It is not just and fair that an accused who feels contrite and wants to make amends or

an accused who is honest and candid enough to plead guilty in the hope that the

community will enable him to pay the penalty for the crime with a degree of compassion

and consideration should be treated on par with an accused who claims to be tried at

considerable time-cost and money-cost to the community.

(2) It is desirable to infuse life in the reformative provisions embodied in section 360 of the

Criminal Procedure Code and in the Probation of Offenders Act which remain

practically unutilized as of now.

(3) It will help the accused who have to remain as undertrial prisoners awaiting the trial as

also other accused on whom the sword of Damocles of an impending trial remains

hanging for years to obtain speedy trial with attendant benefits such as-

(a) end of uncertainty.

(b) saving in litigation-cost.

(c) saving in anxiety-cost.

(d) being able to know his or her fate and to start of fresh life without fear of having to


undergo a possible prison sentence at a future date disrupting his life or career.

(e) saving avoidable visits to lawyer’s office and to court on every date or adjournment.

(4) It will, without detriment to public interest, reduce the back-breaking burden of the court

cases which have already assumed menacing proportions.

(5) It will reduce congestion in jails.

(6) In the USA nearly 75% of the total convictions are secured as a result of plea-bargaining.

(7) Under the present system 75% to 90% of the criminal cases if not more, result in


3. The concept of plea bargaining has not been recognized so far by the criminal

jurisprudence of India. However, plea bargaining is considered to be one of the alternatives to

deal with the huge arrears of criminal cases. Plea-bargaining in its most traditional and general

sense refers to pre-trial negotiations between the accused usually conducted by the counsel and

the prosecution during which the accused agrees to plead guilty in exchange for certain

concessions by the prosecutor. It has two facets. One is “charge bargaining” which refers to a

promise by the prosecutor to reduce or dismiss some of the charges brought against the accused

in exchange for guilty plea. The second one is “sentence bargaining” which refers to a promise

by the prosecutor to recommend a specific sentence or to refrain from making any sentence

recommendation in exchange for a guilty plea.

4. The practice of plea bargaining in USA dates back to a century or more. The Prosecuting

Agency has a leading role in this process in that it has the discretion to reduce or dismiss some

of the charges against the accused and also to make recommendations to the Court about the

sentences in exchange for a guilty plea. The Supreme Court of USA in Brady v. United States

[297 US 742-25 L.Ed. 2d 747] and Santobello v. New York [404 US 257 (1971); Hutto v. Ross

[50 L.Ed. 2d 876]; Chaffin v. Stynchcombe [412 US 17 (1973)]; Blackledge v. Allison [52

L.Ed. 2d 136]; Weatherford v. Bursey [429 US 545 (1977)] upheld the constitutional validity

and the significant role the concept of the plea bargaining plays in the disposal of criminal

cases. It has approved this practice mainly on the premise that the accused who are convicted

on the basis of negotiated pleas of guilt would ordinarily have been convicted had they been

subjected to trial processes. One of the main arguments advanced in favour of plea bargaining

is that it helps the disposal of accumulated cases and will expedite delivery of criminal justice.

5. The Supreme Court of India has examined the concept of plea bargaining in Murlidhar

Meghraj Loya v. State of Maharashtra [AIR 1976 SC 1929] and Kasambhai v. State of

Gujarat [AIR 1980 SC 854]. The Court did not approve of the procedure of plea bargaining

on the basis of informal inducement. In Kasambhai’s case the Court squarely observed that

conviction based on the plea of guilty entered by the accused as a result of plea bargaining

could not be sustained and that it was opposed to public policy to convict the accused by

inducing him to confess to a plea of guilty “on allurement being held out to him that if he enters

a plea of guilty he will be let off very lightly”.

6. The Law Commission in its 142nd Report, having considered the concept as is being

practiced in other countries, recommended that the scheme for concessional treatment to

offenders who plead guilty on their own volition in lieu of a promise to reduce the charge, to



drop some of the charges or getting lesser punishment be statutorily introduced by adding a

Chapter in the Code of Criminal Procedure. In making such a recommendation, however, the

Law Commission considered the views in favour of the concept as well as against it.

7. We have examined the cases decided in USA as well as by the Supreme Court of India

in respect of this concept and the 142nd Report of the Law Commission. [Law Commission, One

Hundred Forty Second Report, Chapter IX, paras 9.1-9.40 pp 24-34 (1991)] We are of the view that

plea bargaining can be made an essential component of administration of criminal justice

provided it is properly administered. For that purpose, certain guidelines and procedure have

to be incorporated in the Code of Criminal Procedure.

8. Having given our earnest consideration, we recommend that this concept may be made

applicable as an experimental measure, to offences which are liable for punishment with

imprisonment of less than seven years and/or fine including the offences covered by section

320 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Plea bargaining can also be in respect of the nature and

gravity of offences and the quantum of punishment.

9. However, plea bargaining should not be available to habitual offenders, those who are

accused of socio-economic offences of a grave nature and offences against women and


9.1, The process of plea bargaining shall be set in motion after issue of process and when

the accused appears, either on a written application by the accused to the Court or suo motu by

the Court to ascertain the willingness of the accused. On ascertainment of the willingness of

the accused, the Court shall require him to make an application accordingly.

9.2. On the date so fixed for the hearing the court shall ascertain from the accused whether

the application was made by him voluntarily without any inducement or pressure from any

quarters, particularly from Public Prosecutors or Police. The Court shall ensure that neither the

public prosecutor nor police is present at the time of making the preliminary examination of

the accused.

9.3 Once the Court is satisfied about the voluntary nature of the application, the Court

shall fix a date for hearing the public prosecutor and the aggrieved party and the accused

applicant for final hearing and passing of final order. If the Court finds that the application has

been made under duress or pressure, or that the applicant after realizing the consequences is

not prepared to proceed with the application, the Court may reject the application.

9.4 Such an application may be rejected either at the initia1 stage or after hearing the

public prosecutor and the aggrieved party. If the Court finds that, having regard to the gravity

of the offence or any other circumstances which may be brought to its notice by the public

prosecutor or the aggrieved party, the case is not a fit one for exercise of its powers of pleabargaining, the Court may reject the application supported by reasons therefor.

9.5 The order passed by the Court on the application of the accused applicant shall be

confidential and will be given only to the accused if he so desires. The making of such

application by the accused shall not create any prejudice against the accused at the ensuing



9.6 We are of the view that such a plea bargaining can be availed of by the accused in the

categories of offences mentioned above before the Court at any stage after the charge sheet is

filed by the investigating agency in police cases and in respect of private complaints at any

stage after the cognizance is taken. An order passed by the court on such a plea shall be final

and no appeal shall lie against such an order passed by the Court accepting the plea.

9.7 In cases where the provisions of Probation of Offenders Act, 1958 and/or section 360

of Cr. P.C. are applicable to an accused applicant, he would be entitled to make an application

that he is desirous of pleading guilty along with a prayer for availing of the benefit under the

legislative provisions referred to above. In such cases, the Court after hearing the public

prosecutor and the aggrieved party, may pass appropriate order conferring the benefit of those

legislative provisions. The Court may be empowered to dispense with the necessity of calling

a report from the probation officer in appropriate cases. The provision regarding confidentiality

of the making of application and the consequence of rejection outlined in paragraph 9.5 will

be applicable if the application is rejected by the Court.

9.8 If an accused enters a plea of guilty in respect of an offence for which minimum

sentence is provided for the Court may instead of rejecting the application in limine, after

hearing the public prosecutor and the aggrieved party accept the plea of guilty and pass an

order of conviction and sentence to the tune of one/half of the minimum sentence provided.

9.9 The Court shall on such a plea of guilty being taken explain to the accused that it may

record a conviction for such an offence and it may after hearing the accused proceed to hear

the Public Prosecutor or the aggrieved person as the case may be:

(i) impose a suspended sentence and release him on probation;

(ii) order him to pay compensation to the aggrieved party; or

(iii) impose a sentence which commensurate with the plea bargaining, or

(iv) convict him for an offence of lesser gravity than that for which the accused has been

charged if permissible in the facts and circumstances of the case.

10. We recommend that a separate Chapter XXIA on Plea Bargaining be incorporated in the

Code of Criminal Procedure on the lines indicated above.

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