March 10, 2025
DU LLBLaw of EvidenceSemester 2

R.S. Maddanappa v. Chandramma (1965) 3 SCR 283

Case Summary

CitationR.S. Maddanappa v. Chandramma (1965) 3 SCR 283
Keywordssec 115 IEA , doctrine of estoppel
FactsR.S. Maddanappa and Puttananjamma were married and having two daughters.
Gowramma, the mother of Puttananjamma, having property which was disputed in this case.
Gowramma had no other child except Puttananjamma. So, Puttananjamma was absolute owner of property. After her death her two daughters became owner of property. Although possession of property was in the hands of their father (R.S. Maddanappa).
R.S. Maddanappa got another marriage. And he had kids too with his second wife.
Initially second daughter from first wife was not interested in property. She had written some
letters in favour of her father. Some notice was also issued against her, but she did not reply. But later, she claimed her share. Once she claimed her share, defendants demanded for application of doctrine of estoppel against her.
High Court has given judgment in her favour. Matter has reached to Supreme Court through
IssuesWhether the first defendant was estopped by her conduct from claiming possession of her alleged half share of the properties?
Law Points Supreme Court said that merely non-replying of suit and noncooperation with plaint are
not sufficient for applying estoppel against respondent (Defendant -1- Chandramma). It
does not mean that she impliedly admitted that she had no interest in the properties.

Father knew the true legal position. That is to say, the father knew that these properties
belonged to Puttananjamma, and that he had no authority to deal with these properties.

There is nothing on the record to show that by reason of the conduct of the first defendant Maddanappa altered his position to his disadvantage.

The object of estoppel is to prevent fraud and secure justice between the parties by
promotion of honesty and good faith.

Therefore, where one person makes a misrepresentation to the other about a fact he
would not be shut out by the rule of estoppel, if that other person knows the true state of
facts and must consequently not have been misled by the misrepresentation.

The person claiming benefit of the doctrine must show that he has acted to his detriment
on the faith of the representation made to him. In this case there was no detriment.
Reason was that both parties aware about truth.

Estoppel was not applied against Chandramma. The reason was that truth was known to both parties.
JudgementConsequently, the first defendant is not estopped from claiming possession, and liability for improvement costs cannot be imposed.
The SC upheld the decision given by the HC and dismissed the appeal with costs.
Ratio Decidendi & Case Authority

Full Case Details

MUDHOLKAR, J. – This is an appeal by Defendants 3 to 8 from a decision of the High

Court of Mysore passing a decree in favour of Respondent 1 who was Defendant 1 in the trial

court, for possession of half the property which was the subject-matter of the suit and also

allowing future mesne profits.

2. The relevant facts are briefly these: The plaintiff who is the elder sister of the first

defendant instituted a suit in the Court of the District Judge, Bangalore for a declaration that

she is the owner of half share in the properties described in the schedule to the plaint and for

partition and separate possession of half share and for mesne profits. According to her the suit

property was the absolute property of her mother Puttananjamma, and upon her death this

property devolved on her and the first defendant as her mother’s heirs. Since, according to

her, the first defendant did not want to join her as co-plaintiff in the suit, she was joined as a

defendant. It is common ground that the property was in the possession of the second

defendant R.S. Maddanappa, the father of the plaintiff and the first defendant and Gangavva,

the second wife of Maddanappa and her children Maddanappa died during the pendency of

the appeal before this Court and his legal representatives are the other defendants to the suit.

Briefly stated his defence, which is also the defence of the defendants other than Defendant 1

is that though the suit properties belonged to Gowramma, the mother of Puttananjamma, she

had settled them orally on the latter as well as on himself and that after the death of

Puttananjamma he has been in possession of those properties and enjoying them as full

owner. He further pleaded that it was the last wish of Puttananjamma that he should enjoy

these properties as absolute owner. The plaintiff and the first defendant had, according to him,

expressly and impliedly abandoned their right in these properties, that his possession over the

properties was adverse to them and as he was in adverse possession for over the statutory

period, the suit was barred. Finally he contended that he had spent more than Rs 46,000

towards improvement of the properties which was met partly from the income of his joint

ancestral property and partly from the assets of the third defendant. These improvements, he

alleged, were made by him bona fide in the belief that he had a right to the suit properties and

consequently he was entitled to the benefit of the provisions of Section 51 of the Transfer of

Property Act.

3. The first defendant admitted the claim of the plaintiff and also claimed a decree against

the other defendants in respect of her half share in the suit properties. The other defendants,

however, resisted her claim and in addition to what the second defendant has alleged in his

written statement contended that she was estopped by her conduct from claiming any share in

the properties.

4. The trial court decreed the claim of the plaintiff but held that the first defendant was

estopped from claiming possession of her half share in the properties left by her mother. The

first defendant preferred an appeal before the High Court challenging the correctness of the

decision of the trial court. The other defendants also filed an appeal before the High Court

challenging the decision of the trial court in favour of the plaintiff. It would appear that the

plaintiff had also preferred some cross-objections. All the matters were heard together in the


High Court, which dismissed the appeal preferred by Defendants 2 to 8 as well as the crossobjections lodged by the plaintiff but decreed the appeal preferred by the first defendant and

passed a decree in her favour for possession of her half share in the suit properties, and future

mesne profits against the remaining defendants. Defendants 2 to 8 applied for a certificate

from the High Court under Articles 133(1) (a) and 133(l) (c) in respect of the decree of the

High Court in the two appeals. The High Court granted the certificate to Defendants 2 to 8

insofar as Defendant 1 was concerned but refused certificate insofar as the plaintiff was

concerned. We are, therefore, concerned with a limited question and that is whether the High

Court was right in awarding a decree to the first defendant for possession of her half share and

mesne profits.

5. Mr Venkatarangaiengar, who appears for the appellants accepts the position that as the

certificate was refused to Defendants 2 to 8 insofar as the plaintiff is concerned, the only

points which they are entitled to urge are those which concern the first defendant alone and no

other. The points which the learned counsel formulated are as follows:

1. It is not open to a court to award future mesne profits to a party who did not claim

them in the suit;

2. No decree can be passed in favour of a defendant who has not asked for

transposition as plaintiff in the suit.

3. That the first defendant was estopped by her conduct from claiming possession of

her alleged half share of the properties.

6. We will consider the question of estoppel first. The conduct of the first defendant from

which the learned counsel wants us to draw the inference of estoppel consists of her attitude

when she was served with a notice by the plaintiff, her general attitude respecting Bangalore

properties as expressed in the letter dated 17th January, 1941, written by her to her stepmother

and the attestation by her and her husband on 3rd October, 1944, of the will executed on 25th

January, 1941 by Maddanappa. In the notice dated 26th January, 1948, by the plaintiff’s

lawyer to the first defendant it was stated that the plaintiff and the first defendant were joint

owners of the suit properties which were in the possession of their father and requested for the

cooperation of the first defendant in order to effect the division of the properties. A copy of

this notice was sent to Maddanappa and he sent a reply to it to the plaintiff’s lawyers. The

first defendant, however, sent no reply at all. We find it difficult to construe the conduct of the

first defendant in not replying to the notice and in not cooperating with the plaintiff in

instituting a suit for obtaining possession of the properties as justifying the inference of

estoppel. It does not mean that she impliedly admitted that she had no interest in the

properties, It is true that in Ex. 15, which is a letter sent by her on 17th January, 1941, to her

stepmother she has observed thus:

“I have no desire whatsoever in respect of the properties which are at Bangalore.

Everything belongs to my father. He has the sole authority to do anything…. We give

our consent to anything done by our father. We will not do anything.”

But even these statements cannot assist the appellants because admittedly the father knew

the true legal position. That is to say, the father knew that these properties belonged to

Puttananjamma and that he had no authority to deal with these properties. No doubt, in his


written statement Maddanappa had set up a case that the properties belonged to him by virtue

of the declaration made by Puttananjamma at the time of her death, but that case has been

negatived by the courts below. The father’s possession must, therefore, be deemed to have

been, to his knowledge, on behalf of the plaintiff and the first defendant. There was thus no

possibility of an erroneous belief about his title being created in the mind of Maddanappa

because of what the first defendant had said in her letter to her stepmother.

7. Insofar as the attestation of the will is concerned, the appellants’ position is no better.

This “will” purports to make a disposition of the suit properties along with other properties by

Maddanappa in favour of Defendants 3 to 8. The attestation of the will by the first defendant

and her husband, would no doubt affix them with the knowledge of what Maddanappa was

doing, but it cannot operate as estoppel against them and in favour of Defendants 3 to 8 or

even in favour of Maddanappa. The will could take effect only upon the death of Maddanappa

and, therefore, no interest in the property had at all accrued to Defendants 3 to 8 even on the

date of the suit. So far as Maddanappa is concerned, he, as already stated, knew the true

position and therefore, could not say that an erroneous belief about his title to the properties

was created in his mind by reason of the conduct of the first defendant and her husband in

attesting the document. Apart from that there is nothing on the record to show that by reason

of the conduct of the first defendant Maddanappa altered his position to his disadvantage.

8. Mr Venkatarangaiengar, however, says that subsequent to the execution of the will he

had effected further improvements in the properties and for this purpose spent his own

moneys. According to him, he would not have done so in the absence of an assurance like the

one given by the first defendant and her husband to the effect that they had no objection to the

disposition of the suit properties by him in any way he chose to make it. The short answer to

this is that Maddanappa on his own allegations was not only in possession and enjoyment of

these properties ever since the death of Putananjamma but had made improvements in the

properties even before the execution of the will. In these circumstances, it is clear that the

provisions of Section 115 of the Indian Evidence Act, which contain the law of estoppel by

representation do not help him.

9. Mr Venkatarangaiengar, however, wanted us to hold that the law of estoppel by

representation is not confined to the provisions of Section 115 of the Evidence Act, that apart

from the provisions of this section there is what is called “equitable estoppel” evolved by the

English Judges and that the present case would come within such “equitable estoppel”. In

some decisions of the High Courts reference has been made to “equitable estoppel” but we

doubt whether the court while determining whether the conduct of a particular party amounts

to an estoppel, could travel beyond the provisions of Section 115 of the Evidence Act. As was

pointed out by Garth, C.J. in Ganges Manufacturing Co. v. Saurjmull [ILR 5 Cal 669] the

provisions of Section 115 of the Evidence Act are in one sense a rule of evidence and are

founded upon the well known doctrine laid down in Pickard v. Sears [1832 A & E 469] in

which the rule was stated thus:

“Where one by his word of conduct wilfully causes another to believe for the

existence of a certain state of thing and induced him to act on that belief so as to alter

his own previous position, the former is concluded from averring against the latter a

different state of things as existing at the first time.”


The object of estoppel is to prevent fraud and secure justice between the parties by

promotion of honesty and good faith. Therefore, where one person makes a misrepresentation

to the other about a fact he would not be shut out by the rule of estoppel, if that other person

knew the true state of facts and must consequently not have been misled by the


10. The general principle of estoppel is stated thus by the Lord Chancellor in Cairneross

v. Lorimer [3 HLC 829]:

“The doctrine will apply, which is to be found, I believe, in the laws of all

civilized nations that if a man either by words or by conduct has intimated that he

consents to an act which has been done, and that he will offer no opposition to it,

although it could not have been lawfully done without his consent, and he thereby

induces others to do that from which they otherwise might have abstained, he cannot

question the legality of the act he had so sanctioned, to the prejudice of those who

have so given faith to his words or to the fair inference to be drawn from his

conduct…. I am of opinion that, generally speaking, if a party having an interest to

prevent an act being done has full notice of it being done, and acquiesces in it, so as

to induce a reasonable belief that he consents to it, and the position of others is

altered by their giving credit to his sincerity, he has no more right to challenge the act

to their prejudice than he would have had if it had, been done by his previous


11. It may further be mentioned that in Carr v. London & N.W. Ry. Co. [LR 10 CP 307]

four propositions concerning an estoppel by conduct were laid down by Brett, J. the third of

which runs thus:

“If a man either in express terms or by conduct makes a representation to another

of the existence of a certain state of facts which he intends to be acted upon in a

certain way, and it be acted upon in the belief of the existence of such a state of facts,

to the damage of him who so believes and acts, the first is estopped from denying the

existence of such a state of facts.”

This also shows that the person claiming benefit of the doctrine must show that he has

acted to his detriment on the faith of the representation made to him.

12. This was quoted with approval in Sarad v. Gopal [19 IA 203]. It will thus be seen that

here also the person who sets up an estoppel against the other must show that: his position

was altered by reason of the representation or conduct of the latter and unless he does that

even the general principle of estoppel cannot be invoked by him. As already stated no

detriment resulted to any of the defendants as a result of what Defendant 1 had stated in her

letter to her stepmother or as a result of the attestation by her and her husband of the will of


14. Finally on this aspect of the case the learned counsel referred to the observations of

Lord Granworth in Ramsden v. Dyson [LR I HL App 129] which are as follows:

“If a stranger begins to build on my land supposing it to be his own and I (the

real owner) perceiving his mistake, abstain from setting him right, and leave aim to


persevere in his error, a court of equity will not allow me afterwards to assert my title

to the land, on which he has expended money on the supposition, that the land was

his own. It considers that when I saw the mistake in which he had fallen, it was my

duty to be active and to state his adverse title; and that it would be dishonest in me to

remain wilfully passive on such an occasion in order afterwards to profit by the

mistake which I might have prevented.”

The doctrine of acquiescence cannot afford any help to the appellants for the simple

reason that Maddanappa who knew the true state of affairs could not say that any mistaken

belief was caused in his mind by reason of what the first defendant said or did. According to

the learned counsel, even if the first defendant’s claim to the half share in the suit property

cannot be denied to her she must at least be made to pay for the improvements effected by

Maddanappa, according to her proportionate share in the suit property. As already stated the

appellant was in enjoyment of these properties after his wife’s death and though fully aware

of the fact that they belonged to the daughters he dealt with them as he chose. When he spent

moneys on those properties he knew what he was doing and it is not open to him or to those

who claim under him to say that the real owners of the properties or either of them should be

made to pay for those improvements. No man who, knowing fully well that he has no title to

property spends money on improving it can be permitted to deprive the original owner of his

right to possession of the property except upon the payment for the improvements which were

not effected with the consent of that person. In our view, therefore, neither was Defendant 1

estopped from claiming possession of half share of the properties nor can she be made liable

to pay half the costs of improvements alleged to have been made by the second defendant.

15. Now regarding the second point, this objection is purely technical. The plaintiff sued

for partition of the suit properties upon the ground that they were inherited jointly by her and

by the first defendant and claimed possession of her share from the other defendants who

were wrongfully in possession of the properties. She also alleged that the first defendant did

not cooperate in the matter and so she had to institute the suit. The first defendant admitted

the plaintiffs title to half share in the properties and claimed a decree also in her own favour to

the extent of the remaining half share in the properties. She could also have prayed for her

transposition as a co-plaintiff and under Order 1 Rule 10(2) CPC the Court could have

transposed her as a co-plaintiff. The power under this provision is exercisable by the Court

even suo motu. As pointed out by the Privy Council in Bhupender v. Rajeshwar [581 A 228]

the power ought to be exercised by a court for doing complete justice between the parties.

Here both the plaintiff and the first defendant claim under the same title and though

Defendants 2 to 8 had urged special defences against the first defendant, they have been fully

considered and adjudicated upon by the High Court while allowing her appeal. Since the trial

court upheld the special defences urged by Defendants 3 to 8 and negatived the claim of the

first defendant it may have thought it unnecessary to order her transposition as plaintiff. But

the High Court could, while upholding her claim, well have done so. Apparently it either

over-looked the technical defect or felt that under Order 41 Rule 33 it had ample power to

decree her claim. However that, may be the provisions of Section 99 would be a bar to

interfere here with the High Court’s decree upon a ground such as this.


16. The only other question for consideration is whether the High Court was justified in

awarding mesne profits to the first defendant even though she was not transposed as a

plaintiff. According to the learned counsel mesne profits cannot be awarded to a successful

party to a suit for possession unless a claim was made in respect of them. The learned counsel

is right insofar as mesne profits prior to the suit are concerned but insofar as mesne profits

subsequent to the date of the institution of the suit, that is, future mesne profits are concerned,

the position is governed by Order 20 Rule 12 CPC which is as follows:

“(1) Where a suit is for the recovery of possession of immovable property and for

rent or mesne profits, the court may pass a decree –

(a) for the possession of the property;

(b) for the rent or mesne profits which have accrued on the property during a

period prior to the institution of the suit or directing an inquiry as to such rent or

mesne profits;

(c) directing an inquiry as to rent or mesne profits from the institution of the

suit until:

(i) the delivery of possession to the decree-holder,

(ii) the relinquishment of possession by the judgment-debtor with

notice to the decree-holder through the court, or

(iii) the expiration of three years from the date of the decree,

whichever event first occurs.

(2) Where an inquiry is directed under clause (b) or clause (c) a final decree in

respect of the rent or mesne profits shall be passed in accordance with the result of

such inquiry.”

17. The learned counsel, however, relied upon the decision of this Court in Mohd. Amin

v. Vakil Ahmed [1952 SCR 1133]. That was a suit for a declaration that a deed of settlement

was void and for possession of the property which was the subject-matter of the settlement

under that deed. The plaintiff’s had not claimed mesne profits, at all in their plaint but the

High Court had passed a decree in the plaintiffs favour not only for possession but also for

mesne profits. In the appeal before this Court against the decision of the High Court one of

the points taken was that in a case of this kind, the court has no power to award mesne profits.

While upholding this contention Bhagwati, J. who delivered the judgment of the Court has

observed thus:

“The learned Solicitor-General appearing for the plaintiffs conceded that there

was no demand for mesne profits as such but urged that the claim for mesne profits

would be included within the expression ‘awarding possession and occupation of the

property aforesaid together with all the rights appertaining thereto’. We are afraid

that the claim for mesne profits cannot be included within this expression and the

High-Court was in error in awarding to the plaintiffs mesne profits though they had

not been claimed in the plaint. The provision in regard to the mesne profits will

therefore have to be deleted from the decree.”

19. In the result therefore we uphold the decree of the High Court and dismiss the appeal

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