March 10, 2025
DU LLBLabour LawSemester 4

The Workmen v. Firestone Tyre & Rubber Co.(1976) 3 SCC 819

Case Summary

Law Points
Ratio Decidendi & Case Authority

Full Case Details

UNTWALIA, J.- 2. The respondent company in this appeal has its head office at Bombay. It
manufactures tyres at its Bombay factory and sells the tyres and other accessories in the
markets throughout the country. The company has a distribution office at Nicholson Road,
Delhi. There was a strike in the Bombay factory from March 3, 1967 to May 16, 1967 and
again from October 4, 1967. As a result of the strike, there was a short supply of tyres etc. to
the distribution office. In the Delhi office, there were 30 employees at the relevant time. 17
workmen out of 30 were laid off by the management as per their notice dated February 3,
1968, which was to the following effect:
Management is unable to give employment to the following workmen due to
much reduced production in the company’s factory resulting from strike in one of the
factory departments.
These workmen are, therefore, laid off in accordance with law with effect from
February 5, 1968.

  1. The lay-off of the 17 workmen whose names were mentioned in the notice was recalled
    by the management on April 22, 1968. The workmen were not given their wages or
    compensation for the period of lay-off. An industrial dispute was raised and referred by the
    Delhi Administration on April 17, 1968 even when the lay-off was in operation. The reference
    was in the following terms:
    Whether the action of the management to ‘lay off 17 workmen with effect from
    February 5, 1968 is illegal and/or unjustified, and if so, to what relief are these
    workmen entitled?
  2. The Presiding Officer of the Additional Industrial Tribunal, Delhi has held that the
    workmen are not entitled to any lay-off compensation. Hence this is an appeal by their union.
  3. The question which falls for our determination is whether the management had a right
    to lay off their workmen and whether the workmen are entitled to claim wages or
  4. The simple dictionary meaning according to the Concise Oxford Dictionary of the
    term ‘lay-off is “period during which a workman is temporarily discharged”. The term ‘layoff’ has been well-known in the industrial arena. Disputes were often raised in relation to the
    ‘lay-off’ of the workmen in various industries. Sometimes compensation was awarded for the
    period of lay-off but many a time when the lay-off was found to be justified workmen were
    not found entitled to any wages or compensation. In Gaya Cotton & Jute Mills Ltd. v. Goya
    Cotton & Jute Mills Labour Union [(1952) 2 LLJ 37] the standing orders of the company
    provided that the company could under certain circumstances stop any machine or machines
    or department or departments, wholly or partially for any period or periods without notice or
    without compensation in lieu of notice In such a situation for the closure of the factory for a
    certain period, no claim for compensation was allowed by the Labour Appellate Tribunal of
    India. We are aware of the distinction between a lay-off and a closure. But just to point out
    the history of the law we have referred to this case.
  5. Then, came an amendment in the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 – hereinafter referred to
    as the Act – by Act 43 of 1953. By the same Amending Act, Chapter VA was introduced in
    the Act to provide for lay-off and retrenchment compensation. Section 25A excluded the
    industrial establishments in which less than 50 workmen on an average per working day had
    been employed in the preceding calendar month from the application of Sections 25C to 25E.
    Section 25C provides for the right of laid-off workmen for compensation and broadly
    speaking compensation allowable is 50 per cent of the total of the basic wages and dearness
    allowance that would have been payable to the workman had he not been laid off. It would be
    noticed that the sections dealing with the matters of lay-off in Chapter VA are not applicable
    to certain types of industrial establishments. The respondent is one such establishment
    because it employed only 30 workmen at its Delhi office at the relevant time. In such a
    situation the question beset with difficulty of solution is whether the laid-off workmen were
    entitled to any compensation, if so, what?
  6. The effect of the provisions aforesaid is that for the period of lay-off in an industrial
    establishment to which the said provisions apply, compensation will have to be paid in
    accordance with Section 25C. But if a workman is entitled to benefits which are more
    favourable to him than those provided in the Act, he shall continue to be entitled to the more
    favourable benefits. The rights and liabilities of employers and workmen in so far as it relate
    to lay-off and retrenchment, except as provided in Section 25J, have got to be determined in
    accordance with the provisions of Chapter VA.
  7. The ticklish question which does not admit of an easy answer is as to the source of the
    power of management to lay off a workman. The employer has a right to terminate the
    services of a workman. Therefore, his power to retrench presents no difficulty as,
    retrenchment means the termination by the employer of the service of a workman for any
    reason whatsoever as mentioned in clause (oo) of Section 2 of the Act. But lay-off means the
    failure, refusal or inability of employer on account of contingencies mentioned in clause (kkk)
    to give employment to a workman whose name is borne on the muster rolls of his industrial
    establishment. It has been called a temporary discharge of the workman or a temporary
    suspension of his contract of service. Strictly speaking, it is not so. It is merely a fact of
    temporary unemployment of the workman in the work of the industrial establishment. Mr S.
    N. Andley submitted with reference to the explanation and the provisos appended to clause
    (kkk) that the power to lay off a workman is inherent in the definition. We do not find any
    words in the definition clause to indicate the conferment of any power on the employer to lay
    off a workman. His failure or inability to give employment by itself militates against the
    theory of conferment of power. The power to lay off for the failure or inability to give
    employment has to be searched somewhere else. No section in the Act confers this power.
  8. There are two small matters which present some difficulty in the solution of the
    problem. In clause (i) of the explanation appended to sub-section (2) of Section 25B the
    words used are “he has been laid off under an agreement or as permitted by standing orders
    made under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, or under this Act or
    under any other law applicable to the industrial establishment” indicating that a workman can
    be laid off under the Industrial Disputes Act also. But it is strange to find that no section in
    Chapter VA in express language or by necessary implication confers any power, even on the
    management of the industrial establishment to which the relevant provisions are applicable, to
    lay off a workman. This indicates that there is neither a temporary discharge of the workman
    nor a temporary suspension of his contract of service. Under the general law of master and
    servant, an employer may discharge an employee either temporarily or permanently but that
    cannot be without adequate notice. Mere refusal or inability to give employment to the
    workman when he reports for duty on one or more grounds mentioned in clause (kkk) of
    Section 2 is not a temporary discharge of the workman. Such a power, therefore, must be
    found out from the terms of contract of service or the standing orders governing the
    establishment. In the instant case the number of workmen being only 30, there were no
    standing orders certified under the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946. Nor
    was there any term of contract of service conferring any such right of lay-off. In such a
    situation the conclusion seems to be inescapable that the workmen were laid off without any
    authority of law or the power in the management under the contract of service. In industrial
    establishments where there is a power in the management to lay off a workman and to which
    the provisions of Chapter VA apply, the question of payment of compensation will be
    governed and determined by the said provisions. Otherwise Chapter VA is not a complete
    Code as was argued on behalf of the respondent company in the matter of payment of layoff
    compensation. This case, therefore, goes out of Chapter VA. Ordinarily and generally the
    workmen would be entitled to their full wages but in a reference made under Section 10(1) of
    the Act, it is open to the tribunal or the court to award a lesser sum finding the justifiability of
    the lay-off.
  9. In Management of Hotel Imperial, New Delhi v. Hotel Workers’ Union [AIR 1959
    SC 1342] in a case of suspension of a workman it was said by Wanchoo, J. as he then was,
    delivering the judgment on behalf of the Court at page 482:
    Ordinarily, therefore, the absence of such power either as an express term in the
    contract or in the rules framed under some statute would mean that the master would
    have no power to suspend a workman and even if he does so in the sense that he
    forbids the employee to work, he will have to pay wages during the so-called period
    of suspension. Where, however, there is power to suspend either in the contract of
    employment or in the statute or the rules framed thereunder, the suspension has the
    effect of temporarily suspending the relation of master and servant with the
    consequence that the servant is not bound to render service and the master is not
    bound to pay.
  10. We have referred to the suspension cases because in our opinion the principles
    governing the case of lay-off are very akin to those applicable to a suspension case.
  11. In Veiyra (M. A.) v. Fernanda [AIR 1957 Bom. 100], a Bench of the Bombay High
    Court opined that under the general law the employer was free to dispense with the services of
    a workman, but under the Industrial Disputes Act he was under an obligation to lay him off;
    that being so, the action of lay-off by the employer could nut be questioned as being ultra
    vires. We do not think that the view expressed by the Bombay High Court is correct.
  12. There is an important decision of this Court in Workmen of Dewan Tea Estate v.
    Management [AIR 1964 SC 1458] on which reliance was placed heavily by Mr M. K.
    Ramamurthi appearing for the appellant and also by Mr Andley for the respondent. One of the
    questions for consideration was whether Section 25C of the Act recognises the common law
    right of the management to declare a lay-off for reasons other than those specified in the
    relevant clause of the standing order. While considering this question, Gajendragadkar, J. as
    he then was, said at page 554:
    The question which we are concerned with at this stage is whether it can be said
    that Section 25C recognises a common law right of the industrial employer to lay off
    his workmen. This question must, in our opinion, be answered in the negative. When
    the laying off of the workmen is referred to in Section 25C, it is the laying off as
    defined by Section 2(kkk) and so workmen who can claim the benefit of Section 25C
    must be workmen who are laid off and laid off for reasons contemplated by Section
    2(kkk); that is all that Section 25C means.
    Then follows a sentence which was pressed into service by the respondent. It says:
    If any case is not covered by the standing orders, it will necessarily be governed
    by the provisions of the Act, and lay-off would be permissible only where one or the
    other of the factors mentioned by Section 2(kkk) is present, and for such lay-off
    compensation would be awarded under Section 25C.
    In our opinion, in the context, the sentence aforesaid means that if the power of lay-off is
    there in the standing orders but the grounds of lay-off are not covered by them, rather, are
    governed by the provisions of the Act, then lay-off would be permissible only on one or the
    other of the factors mentioned in clause (kkk). Subsequent discussions at pages 558 and 559
    lend ample support to the appellant’s argument that there is no provision in the Act
    specifically providing that an employer would be entitled to lay off his workmen for the
    reasons prescribed by Section 2(kkk).
  13. Mr Andley placed strong reliance upon the decision of this Court in Sanghi Jeevaraj
    Ghewar Chand v. Secretary, Madras Chillies,Grains Kirana Merchants Workers’ Union
    [(1969) 1 SCC 366]. The statute under consideration in this case was the Payment of Bonus
    Act, 1965 and it was held that the Act was intended to be a comprehensive and exhaustive law
    dealing with the entire subject of bonus of the persons to whom it should apply. The Bonus
    Act was not to apply to certain establishments. Argument before the Court was that bonus
    was payable de hors the Act in such establishments also. This argument was repelled and in
    that connection it was observed at page 381:
    It will be noticed that though the Industrial Disputes Act confers substantive
    rights on workmen with regard to lay-off, retrenchment compensation, etc., it does
    not create or confer any such statutory right as to payment of bonus. Bonus was so far
    the creature of industrial adjudication and was made payable by the employers under
    the machinery provided under that Act and other corresponding Acts enacted for
    investigation and settlement of disputes raised thereunder. There was, therefore, no
    question of Parliament having to delete or modify item 5 in the Third Schedule to
    Industrial Disputes Act or any such provision in any corresponding Act or its having
    to exclude any right to bonus thereunder by any categorical exclusion in the present
    And finally it was held at page 385:
    Considering the history of the legislation, the background and the circumstances
    in which the Act was enacted, the object of the Act and its scheme, it is not possible
    to accept the construction suggested on behalf of the respondents that the Act is not
    an exhaustive Act dealing comprehensively with the subject-matter of bonus in all its
    aspects or that Parliament still left it open to those to whom the Act does not apply by
    reason of its provisions either as to exclusion or exemption to raise a dispute with
    regard to bonus through industrial adjudication under the Industrial Disputes Act or
    other corresponding law.
    In a case of compensation for lay-off the position, is quite distinct and different. If the
    term of contract of service or the statutory terms engrafted in the standing orders do not give
    the power of lay-off to the employer, the employer will be bound to pay compensation for the
    period of lay-off which ordinarily and generally would be equal to the full wages of the
    concerned workmen. If, however, the terms of employment confer a right of lay-off on the
    management, then, in the case of an industrial establishment which is governed by Chapter
    VA, compensation will be payable in accordance with the provisions contained therein. But
    compensation or no compensation will be payable in the case of an industrial establishment”
    to which the provisions of Chapter VA do not apply, and it will be so as per the terms of the
  14. In the case of the Delhi office of the respondent the tribunal has held that the lay-off
    was justified. It was open to the tribunal to award a lesser amount of compensation than the
    full wages. Instead of sending back the case to the tribunal, we direct that 75 per cent of the
    basic wages and dearness allowance would be paid to the workmen concerned for the period
    of lay-off. As we have said above, this will not cover the case of those workmen who have
    settled or compromised their disputes with the management.

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