March 10, 2025
DU LLBEnvironmental LawSemester 6

M.C. Mehta v. Union of India, AIR 1997 SC 734KULDIP SINGH, J.

Case Summary

Law Points
Ratio Decidendi & Case Authority

Full Case Details

  1. The Taj has been included in the list of 100 most endangered
    sites by the “Wprld Monuments Fund” by stating as under:
    “The Taj Mahal – The Taj is the “King Emperor” amongst the World Wonders.
    The Taj is the final achievement and acme of the Moghul Art. It represents the most
    refined aesthetic values. It is a fantasy like grandeur. It is the perfect culmination
    and artistic interplay of the architects’ skill and the jeweler’s inspiration. The
    marble-in-lay walls of the Taj are amongst the most outstanding examples of
    decorative workmanship. The elegant symmetry of its exterior and the aerial grace of
    its domes and minarets impress the beholder in a manner never to be forgotten. It
    stands out as one of the most priceless national monument, of surpassing beauty and
    worth, a glorious tribute to man’s achievement in Architecture and Engineering.
    According to the petitioner, the foundries, chemical/hazardous industries and the
    refinery at Mathura are the major sources of damage to The Taj. The sulphur dioxide
    emitted by the Mathura Refinery and the industries when combined with Oxygen –
    with the aid of moisture – in the atmosphere forms sulphuric acid called “Acid rain”
    which has a corroding effect on the gleaming white marble. Industrial/Refinery
    emissions, brick-kilns, vehicular traffic and generator-sets are primarily responsible
    for polluting the ambient air around Taj Trapezium (TTZ). The petition states that
    the white marble has yellowed and blackened in places. It is inside The Taj that the
    decay is more apparent. Yellow pallor pervades the entire monument. In places the
    yellow hue is magnified by ugly brown and black spots. Fungal deterioration is
    worst in the inner chamber where the original graves of Shah-Jahan and Mumtaz
    Mahal lie. According to the petitioner The Taj a monument of international repute –
    is on its way to degradation due to atmospheric pollution and it is imperative that
    preventive steps are taken and soon. The petitioner has finally sought appropriate
    directions to the authorities concerned to take immediate steps to stop air pollution in
    the TTZ and save The Taj.
  2. The Report of the Expert Committee called “Report on Environmental Impact of
    Mathura Refinery” (Varadharajan Committee) published by the Government of India in
    1978 has been annexed along with the writ petition.
    Varadharajan Committee made, among others, the following recommendations:
    “Steps may be taken to ensure that no new industry including small industries or
    other units which can cause pollution are located north west of the Taj Mahal …
    Efforts may be made to relocate the existing small industries particularly the
    foundries, in an area south east of Agra beyond the Taj Mahal so that emissions from
    these industries will not be in the direction of the monuments … Similar
    considerations may apply to large industries such as Fertiliser & Petrochemicals.
    Such industries which are likely to cause environmental pollution may not be located
    in the neighbourhood of the refinery. The Committee further recommends that no
    large industry in the Agra region and its neighbourhood be established without
    conducting appropriate detailed studies to assess the environmental effect of such
    industries on the monuments. Location should be so chosen as to exclude any
    increase in environmental pollution in the area … The Committee wishes to record its
    deep concern regarding the existing level of pollution in Agra. It recommends that an
    appropriate authority be created which could monitor emissions by industries as well
    as the air quality at Agra on a continuous basis. This authority should be vested with
    powers to direct industries causing pollution to limit the level of emission and specify
    such measures as are necessary to reduce the emission whenever the pollutant level at
    the monuments exceeds acceptable limits. The Committee particularly desires that
    recommendations made in regard to reduction of existing pollution levels at Agra
    should be converted to a time-bound programme and should be implemented with
    utmost speed.The Committee also recommends that studies should be undertaken by
    competent agencies to explore the possibility of protecting the monuments by
    measures such as provision of a green belt around Agra in the region between
    Mathura and Agra…. Even though assurances have been obtained from IOC that
    adequate precautions would be taken to contain the pollution on account of using coal
    in the power plant, the Committee is of the opinion that till such time this problem is
    studied in depth and suitable technologies have been found to be satisfactorily in use
    elsewhere, the use of coal in the refinery power plant should be deferred.”
    The Central Board for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, New Delhi,
    published a report (Control of Urban Pollution Series CUPS/7/1981-82) under the title
    “Inventory and Assessment of Pollution Emissions in and Around Agra-Mathura Region
    (Abridged).” The relevant findings are as under :
    “Industrial activities which are in operation in Agra city and its outskirts could be
    categorized as (i) Ferrous Metal Casting using Cupolas (Foundry); (ii) Ferror-alloy
    and Non-Ferrous Castings using Crucibles, Rotary Furnances etc., (iii) Rubber
    Processing; (iv) Lime Oxidation and Pulversing; (v) Engineering; (vi) Chemical; and
    (vii) Brick and Refractory Kilns (Table 4-1). …. The contribution of sulphur dioxide
    through emission primarily from the combustion from the fuels comprising hard
    coke, steam coal, wood and fuel oil is estimated at 3.64 tonnes per day from
    industrial activities in the Agra City and its outskirts (Table 5-3). The vehicular
    contribution as estimated from traffic census in 6 road crossings is only 65 kg a day
    or 0.065 tonnes a day and should be considered negligible for the present (Para 7-
    4)…. The Contribution of sulphur dioxide from the 5 recognised distinct discrete
    sources in tonnes per day are 2.28, 2.28, 1.36, 1.21 and 0.65 from (i) two thermal
    power stations, (ii) foundries, (iii) other industries in Agra, (iv) two railway
    marshalling yards, and (v) vehicular traffic respectively. Omitting contribution from
    vehicular traffic as because it is considered negligible, the relative contributions from
    the other 4 distinct sources are 32, 32, 19 and 16.9 per cent. With the elimination of
    the first and the fourth sources – by closing down the two thermal power stations and
    replacing coal fired steam engines by diesel engines in the two railway marshalling
    yards – about 50 per cent (48.9 to be exact) cut down of sulphur dioxide emission is
    The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) gave “Over-view
    report” regarding status of air pollution around The Taj in 1990. This Court on January 8,
    1993 passed the following order:
    “We have heard Mr. M.C. Mehta, the petitioner in person. According to him, the
    sources of pollution in Agra region as per the report of Central Pollution Control
    Board are Iron foundries. Ferro-alloyed industries, rubber processing, lime
    processing; engineering, chemical industry, brick refractory and vehicles. He further
    states that distant sources of pollution are the Mathura Refinery and Ferozabad Glass
    Industry. It is necessary to have a detailed survey done of the area to find out the
    actual industries and foundries which are working in the region. We direct the U.P.
    Pollution Control Board to get a survey done in the area and prepare a list of all the
    industries and foundries which are the sources of pollution in the area. The Pollution
    Board after having the survey done shall issue notices to all the foundries and
    industries in that region to satisfy the Board that necessary anti-pollution measures
    have been undertaken by the said industries/ foundries. The Pollution Board after
    doing this exercise shall submit a report to this Court on or before May 5, 1993. A
    copy of this order be sent to the Chairman and Secretary, U.P. Pollution Control
    Board for compliance and report as directed.”
  3. Meanwhile, NEERI submitted its report dated October 16/18, 1993 regarding sulphur
    dioxide emission control measures at Mathura Refinery. Since the Mathura Refinery matter is
    being dealt with separately it is not necessary to go into the details of the report. Suffice it to
    say that apart from short term strategy, the NEERI recommended the use of natural gas,
    setting up of Hydro cracking unit, improved sulphur Recovery Unit, Chemobiochemical
    Sulphur Recovery and the setting up of green belt around the refinery. The NEERI report
    examined in detail the decay mechanism and status of The Taj marble. How the deterioration
    of marble occurs, is stated by NEERI as under:
    “The deterioration of marble occurs in two modes. In the first mode, weathering
    takes place if the marble is sheltered under domes and cornices, and protected from
    direct impact of rain. Here a crust is formed, which after some period, exfoliates due
    to mechanical stresses. In case of marble exposed to rain, gradual reduction of
    material occurs, as the reaction products are washed away by rainfall and fresh
    marble is exposed. The crusts are formed due to Sulphur Dioxide, but the cumulative
    effects of all pollutants are more damaging. It is also observed that trace metals
    present in fly ash and suspended particulate matter, e.g. Manganese, Iron and
    Vanadium act as catalysts for oxidation of Sulphur Dioxide, and in turn enhance
    degradation of marble calcite to gypsum.”
  4. This court by an order dated February 11, 1994 asked the NEERI to examine
    the possibility of using propane or any other safe fuel instead of coal/coke by the
    industries in the TTZ.Theoperative part of the order is as under:
    “We requested Mr. V.R. Reddy, learned Additional Solicitor General on January
    14, 1994 to have discussion with the concerned authorities and assist us in probing
    the possibility of providing some safe fuel to the foundries and other industries
    situated in the Taj trapezium. We are thankful to Mr. Reddy for doing good job and
    placing before us various suggestions in that direction. Mr. Reddy has suggested that
    NEERI be asked to examine the possible effects of the use of Propane as a safe fuel
    from the point of view of atmospheric pollution. We accept the suggestion and
    request Dr. P. Khanna to examine the feasibility of Propane as a possible alternative
    to the present fuel which is being used by the foundries and other industries in the Taj
    trapezium. This may be done within 2 weeks from today. Copy of this order be sent
    to the Director, NEERI within 2 days from today. Government of India, Ministry of
    Environment shall pay the charges of NEERI in this respect.
    We further direct the U.P. State Industrial Development Corporation through its
    Managing Director to locate sufficient landed area possibly outside the Taj trapezium
    where the foundries and other industries located within the Taj trapezium can be
    ultimately shifted. The Corporation shall also indicate the various incentives which
    the Government/U.P.S.I.D.C. might offer to the shifting industries. The Managing
    Director of the U.P.S.I.D.C. shall file an affidavit before this Court on or before
    March 4, 1994 indicating the steps taken by the Corporation in this respect. We also
    direct the Gas Authority of India to indicate the price of Propane which they might
    have to ultimately supply to the industries within the Taj trapezium or the industries
    which are to be shifted from within the Taj trapezium. This may be done within 4
    weeks from today. We place the statement of the outcome of discussion held by Mr.
    Reddy with the concerned authorities on record.”
    This Court on February 25, 1994 examined the issue relating to supply of natural gas to
    the Mathura Refinery and the industries in the TTZ and passed the following order:
    “With a view to save time and red tape we are of the view that it would be useful
    to have direct talk with the highest authorities who can take instant decision in the
    matter. We, therefore, request the Chairman of the Oil and Natural Gas Commission,
    the Chairman of the Indian Oil Corporation and the Chairman of the Gas Authority of
    India to be personally present in this Court on 8.3.1994 at 2.00 p.m.
    We further direct the Secretary, Ministry of Petroleum, to depute a responsible
    officer to be present in the Court on 8.3.1994 at 2.00 p.m.”
    The Corporation filed affidavit dated March 3, 1994 indicating the location/area of
    various industrial estates which were available for relocation of the industries from TTZ.
    After examining the contents of the affidavit, this Court on March 4, 1994 passed the
    following order:
    “Mr. K.K. Venugopal, learned senior advocate appears for the U.P. State
    Industrial Corporation Limited. The Corporation has filed an affidavit wherein it is
    stated that the Corporation has 220 acres of developed land in industrial area, Kosi
    (Kotwa) where 151 plots are available for immediate allotment. It is further stated
    that undeveloped land measuring 330 acres is available in Salimpur in Aligarh
    District. Both these places are about 60/65 kms. away from Agra and are outside the
    Taj environment Trapezium. It is also stated that 85 acres of undeveloped land is
    also available at Etah, which is about 80 kms. away from Agra.
    Before we issue any directions regarding the development of area or allotment of
    land to various industries, it is necessary to know the exact number of air polluting
    industries which are operating within the Taj Trapezium which are to be shifted
    outside the trapezium. Mr. Pradeep Misra, learned counsel for the U.P. State
    Pollution Control Board fairly states that he would direct the Board Secretariat to
    prepare a list on the basis of their record and survey, and submit the same in this
    Court within a week from today.”
  5. This Court on April 11, 1994 after hearing learned counsel for the parties, passed the
    order indicating that as a first phase the industries situated in Agra be relocated out of TTZ.
    While the industries were being heard on the issue of relocation, this Court on April 29, 1994
    passed the following order:
    “Efforts are being made to free the prestigious Taj from pollution, if there is any,
    because of the industries located in and around Agra. It is further clear from our
    order that the basis of the action initiated by this Court is the NEERI’s report which
    was submitted to the Government of India in July, 1993.
    We are of the view that it would be in the interest of justice to have another
    investigation/report from a reputed technical/Engineering authority. Ministry of
    Environment and Forests, Government of India may examine this aspect and appoint
    an expert authority (from India or abroad) to undertake the survey of the Taj
    Trapezium Environmental Area and make a report regarding the source of pollution
    in the Trapezium and the measures to be adopted to control the same. The authority
    can also identify the polluting industries in the Taj Trapezium. We, therefore,
    request Mr. Kamal Nath, Minister Incharge, Department of Environment and Forests,
    to personally look into this matter and identify the authority who is to be entrusted
    with this job. This must be done within three weeks from the receipt of this order. A
    responsible Officer of the Ministry shall file an affidavit in this Court within two
    weeks indicating the progress made by the Ministry in this respect. Registry to send
    copy of the above quoted order to the Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests
    and also to Mr. Kamal Nath, personally, within three days from today.”
    Pursuant to above quoted order, the Government of India, Ministry of Environment and
    Forests, by the order dated May 18, 1994 appointed an expert committee under the
    chairmanship of Dr. S. Varadharajan.
  6. Meanwhile the Indian Oil Corporation placed on record its report on the feasibility
    study regarding the use of safe alternate fuel by the Mathura Refinery. The report suggested
    the use of natural gas as the most optimum fuel. Once the natural gas is brought to Mathura
    there would be no difficulty in providing the same to the other industries in TTZ and outside
  7. This Court on March 14, 1996 directed the GAIL, Indian Oil Corporation and the UP
    State Industrial Development Corporation to indicate the industrial areas outside the TTZ
    which would be connected with the gas supply network. The order passed was as under:
    “Mr. Reddy, the learned Additional Solicitor General after consulting Mr. C.P.
    Jain, the Chief Environmental Manager, New Delhi has stated that mechanical
    process for bringing gas near Mathura Refinery shall be completed by December,
  8. He further stated that the commissioning would be done by January, 1997.
    We have on record the undertaking of the Gas Authority of India that while the pipe
    line is being constructed the branch pipe line for supplying gas to Mathura Refinery
    and to the industries shall also be completed side by side. We direct the Gas
    Authority of India, Indian Oil Corporation and U.P. State Industrial Development
    Corporation to file an affidavit in this Court within two weeks of the receipt of this
    order indicating as to which of the industrial areas outside the Taj Trapezium would
    be connected with the gas supply network. We may mention that the PSCDC has
    already filed affidavit in this Court indicating various industrial Estates which can be
    developed outside the Taj Trapezium.”
    We have already heard arguments regarding relocation of industries from Taj Trapezium.
    Some of the industries which are not in a position to get gas connections or which are
    otherwise polluting may have to be relocated outside Taj Trapezium. The GAIL may also
    examine whether in the event of availability of more quantity of gas, the same can be supplied
    to the industries outside the Taj Trapezium which are located in the vicinity from where the
    gas pipe is passing.
    This Court on September 12, 1996 passed the following order regarding the safety
    measures to be taken during the construction and operation of the gas network in the Taj
    Trapezium. The Court also recorded the undertaking by learned counsel for the industries
    that the industries in TTZ are taking steps to approach the Gas Authority of India for gas
    “Pursuant to this Court’s order dated April 10, 1996 and subsequent order dated
    May 10, 1996, Mr. P.C. Gupta, General Manager, Gas Authority of India has filed an
    affidavit. It is stated in the affidavit that necessary directions in the pipeline design
    corrosion protection, protection during construction and during operations have been
    taken by the Gas Authority of India. It is for the Central Pollution Control Board or
    the State Pollution Control Board concerned to examine the legal position and do the
    needful, if anything is to be done under law.”
  9. The NEERI submitted a Technical Report dated 7-3-1994 pertaining to “Issues
    Associated with Fuel Supply Alternatives for Industries in Agra-Mathura Region”. Paras
    2.4.1 and para 3 of the Report are as under:
    “2.4 Safety Requirements
    2.4.1 NG: The use of NG involves the defining of No Gas Zone for safe distribution.
    The new sites in Agra and Ferozabad industries being identified by the Government of
    Uttar Pradesh shall minimise this hazard as the industrial estates shall be suitably
    designed for NG distribution.
    The new industrial sites should preferably be out of the Taj Trapezium. The
    incentives for industries to shift to new industrial estates need to be established to ensure
    speedy implementation.
    3.0 Summary
    The various issues raised in this report pertaining to the fuel supply alternatives to the
    industries in Agra-Ferozabad region and the Mathura Refinery, can be summarized as:
  • Need for relocation of industries;
  • Availability of cleaner fuel (present and future);
  • Environmental benefits from alternate fuels;
  • Safety considerations;
    The recommendations are summarized hereunder:
  • Shifting of small-scale polluting industries outside the Taj Trapezium on industrial
    estate sites to be identified by the Government of Uttar Pradesh;
  • Provision of natural gas to the industries in Agra-Mathura region and Mathura
    Mr M.C. Mehta, Mr Kapil Sibal and other learned counsel representing the Agra
    industries took us through the April 1995 Varadharajan Committee Report. Relevant
    paragraphs of the Report are reproduced hereunder:
    “4. The Expert Committee’s recommendation that steps may be taken to ensure that
    no new industry, including small industries or other units, which can cause pollution are
    located north-west of the Taj Mahal, has been enforced. However, efforts to relocate
    existing small industries, particularly the foundries, in an area south-east of Agra beyond
    the Taj Mahal, have not been successful.”
  1. The Report clearly shows that the level of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the
    Taj Mahal area is high. The relevant part of the Report in this respect is as under:
    SPM (Period 1981-1993)
    (i) The level of SPM at Taj Mahal is generally quite high, the monthly mean values
    being above 200 micrograms/cubic metre for all the months during 1981-1985 except for
    the monsoon months.
    (ii) There is an increasing trend in the monthly mean SPM concentrations from about
    380 micrograms/cubic metre to 620 micrograms/cubic metre during the period 1987-
    1991, and the trend reverses thereafter till 1993. There is a decrease in monthly mean
    SPM levels from 620 micrograms/cubic metre in 1991 to about 425 micrograms/cubic
    metre in 1993.”
  2. Para 71 of the Report deals with the consumption of coal in the Agra areas. The
    relevant part is as under:
    “… These do cause pollution of the atmosphere. Industries in Agra are situated northwest, north and north-east of the Taj Mahal, several of them being located across the
    river. These are the major sources of concern as they are not far away, and much of the
    time winds blow from their location towards Taj Mahal.”
  3. Para 78 relating to the use of Natural Gas is as under:
    “… Natural Gas distribution to industries in existing locations in Agra would need
    installation of pipelines and meters. This may be expensive and in addition not ensure
    safety, as accidental leakage in pipeline network may lead to explosions and fires. It may
    however be possible to use LPG or HSD with suitable precautions, after careful review.”
  4. Relevant part of para 79 is as under:
    “… NEERI Report dated 7-3-1994 on Fuel Supply alternatives (Annexure) suggests
    Natural Gas can be considered for use only in new industrial sites.”
  5. The industries in Agra have been dealt in paras 92, 93, 95 and 96 which are as under:
    “92. Industries in Agra and Ferozabad have been asked to instal APCD to reduce
    essentially SPM level in air emissions. The UPPCB has the authority to monitor their
    performance to meet standards outlined for different industries by CPCB noting their
    capacities. These regulations should be fully enforced. NEERI has suggested suitable sites
    in Agra and Ferozabad which could be identified and developed as industrial estates with
    facilities, separated from residential area. If such sites are developed, Natural Gas supply
    in the industrial estate would be possible with safety, and the industrial units could be
  6. There is need for a single authority in such estate to coordinate all maintenance
    and repair work on electrical supply, telecommunications, water, sewage, drains, roads
    and construction. Any industrial estate in Agra with Natural Gas will have to be located at
    a substantial distance from monuments to ensure full safety. * * *
  7. When industrial units are relocated, it would be appropriate to modernise
    technology equipment and buildings. Most of the units will need very substantial
    financial assistance. The value of the present sites and their future use have to be
    determined. It would not be desirable to promote residential colonies and commercial
    establishments in such vacated areas as they may in turn add to the problems of water
    supply and atmospheric quality by excessive use of energy. Major changes of this nature
    would need a clear development planning strategy and resources, and will also take
    several years for implementation.
  8. There is urgent need for quicker measures which could lead to better
    environment, especially in the Taj Mahal. For this purpose, it is necessary to effect overall
    reduction in coal/coke consumption by industries and others in Agra and in Taj
    Trapezium Zone generally. The present level of consumption of 129 metric tonnes per
    day by industry can be substantially reduced by new technology and by use of LPG and
    HSD of low sulphur. Stricter standards for emissions may be evolved when such
    technological and fuel changes are effected. Support for development of modifications in
    design and operation and demonstration should be provided. Some assistance to industries
    for adoption of these may be considered after careful examination of the costs and
    benefits to the industry and to society. All those industries not responding for action for
    feasible changes and contributing disproportionately to atmospheric pollution have to face
  9. After careful examination of the two Varadharajan Reports (1978 and 1995) and the
    various NEERI reports placed on record, we are of the view that there is no contradiction
    between the two sets of reports. In the 1978 Report, Varadharajan found substantial level of
    air pollution because of sulphur dioxide and SPM in the Agra region. The source, according
    to the report, was the coal-users including approximately 250 small industries mainly
    foundries. The excess of SPM was because of the use of coal. The Report specifically
    recommended in para 5.4 for the relocation of the existing small industries particularly the
    foundries. The 1995 Varadharajan Report clearly shows that the standard of atmospheric
    pollution is much higher than the 1981-85 period which according to the Report is also
    because of heavy traffic and operation of generating sets. NEERI reports have clearly
    recommended the relocation of the industries from the TTZ.
  10. This Court on April 11, 1994 passed the following order:
    “We are of the view that the shifting of the industries from the Taj Trapezium has
    to be made in a phased manner. NEERI’s report indicates that the maximum
    pollution to the ambient air around Taj Mahal is caused by the industries located in
    Agra. We, therefore, as a first phase, take up the industries situated in Agra for the
    purposes of the proposed shifting outside Taj Trapezium……..:
    We, therefore, direct the U.P. State Pollution Control Board to issue Public
    Notices in the two national English Daily newspapers and also two vernacular
    newspapers for three consecutive days indicating that the Supreme Court of India is
    processing the proposal for shifting of the air polluting industries such as Foundries,
    Pit Furnaces, Rubber Sole, Chemical, Refractory Brick, Engineering and Lime
    Processing from Agra to outside Taj Trapezium at a suitable place to be selected after
    hearing the parties including the industry owners.”
  11. The Taj, apart from being cultural heritage, is an industry by itself. More than two
    million tourists visit the Taj every year. It is a source of revenue for the country. This Court
    has monitored this petition for over three years with the sole object of preserving and
    protecting The Taj from deterioration and damage due to atmospheric and environmental
    pollution. It cannot be disputed that the use of coke/coal by the industries emit pollution in
    the ambient air. The objective behind this litigation is to stop the pollution while encouraging
    development of industry. The old concept that development and ecology cannot go together
    is no longer acceptable. Sustainable development is the answer. The development of industry
    is essential for the economy of the country, but at the same time the environment and the ecosystems have to be protected. The pollution created as a consequence of development must
    be commensurate with the carrying capacity of our eco-systems.
  12. Various orders passed by this Court from time to time (quoted above) clearly indicate
    that the relocation of the industries from TTZ is to be resorted to only if the natural gas which
    has been brought at the doorstep of TTZ is not acceptable/available by/to the industries as a
    substitute for coke/coal. The GAIL has already invited the industries in TTZ to apply for gas
    connections. Before us, Mr. Kapil Sibal and Mr. Sanjay Parikh, learned counsel for the
    industries have clearly stated that all the industries would accept gas as an industrial fuel. The
    industries operating in TTZ which are given gas connections to run the industries need not
    relocate. The whole purpose is to stop air pollution by banishing coke/coal from TTZ.
    This Court in Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum v. Union of India [(1996) 7 JT 375] has
    defined “the precautionary principle” and the “Polluter Pays principles”.
  13. Based on the reports of various technical authorities mentioned in this judgment, we
    have already reached the finding that the emissions generated by the coke/coal consuming
    industries are air-pollutants and have damaging effect on the Taj and the people living in the
    TTZ. The atmospheric pollution in TTZ has to be eliminated at any cost. Not even one per
    cent chance can be taken when – human life apart – the preservation of a prestigious
    monument like The Taj is involved. In any case, in view of the precautionary principle as
    defined by this Court, the environmental measures must anticipate, prevent and attack the
    causes of environmental degradation. The ‘onus of proof’ is on an industry to show that its
    operation with the aid of coke/coal is environmentally benign. It is, rather, proved beyond
    doubt that the emissions generated by the use of coke/coal by the industries in TTZ are the
    main polluters of the ambient air.
  14. We, therefore, hold that the above-mentioned 292 industries shall as per the schedule
    indicated hereunder change-over to the natural gas as an industrial fuel. The industries which
    are not in a position to obtain gas connections – for any reason – shall stop functioning with
    the aid of coke/coal in the TTZ and may relocate themselves as per the directions given by us
  15. We order and direct as under:
    (1) The industries (292 listed above) shall approach/apply to the GAIL before
    February 15, 1997 for grant of industrial gas-connection.
    (2) The industries which are not in a position to obtain gas connections and also
    the industries which do not wish to obtain gas connections may approach/apply to the
    Corporation (UPSIDC)/Government before February 28, 1997 for allotment of
    alternative plots in the industrial estates outside TTZ.
    (3) The GAIL shall take final decision in respect of all the applications for grant
    of gas connections by March 31, 1997 and communicate the allotment letters to the
    individual industries.
    (4) Those industries which neither apply for gas connection nor for alternative
    industrial plot shall stop functioning with the aid of coke/coal in the TTZ with effect
    from April 30, 1997. Supply of coke/coal to these industries shall be stopped
    forthwith. The District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police shall have this
    order complied with.
    (5) The GAIL shall commence supply of gas to the industries by June 30, 1997.
    As soon as the gas supply to an industry commences, the supply of coke/coal to the
    said industry shall be stopped with immediate effect.
    (6) The Corporation/Government shall finally decide and allot alternative plots,
    before March 31, 1997, to the industries which are seeking relocation.
    (7) The relocating industries shall set up their respective units in the new
    industrial estates outside TTZ. The relocating industries shall not function and
    operate in TTZ beyond December 31, 1997. The closure by December 31, 1997 is
    unconditional and irrespective of the fact whether the new unit outside TTZ is
    completely set up or not.
    (8) The Deputy Commissioner, Agra and the Superintendent (Police), Agra shall
    effect the closure of all the industries on December 31, 1997 which are to be
    relocated by the date as directed by us.
    (9) The U.P. State Government/Corporation shall render all assistance to the
    industries in the process of relocation. The allotment of plots, construction of factory
    building, etc., and issuance of any licence/permissions, etc. shall be expedited and
    granted on priority basis.
    (10) In order to facilitate shifting of industries from TTZ, the State Government
    and all other authorities shall set up unified single agency consisting of all the
    departments concerned to act as a nodal agency to sort out all the problems of such
    industries. The single window facility shall be set up by the U.P. State Government
    within one month from today. The Registry shall communicate this direction
    separately to the Chief Secretary, Secretary (Industries) and Chairman/Managing
    Director, UPSIDC along with a copy of this judgment. We make it clear that no
    further time shall be allowed to set up the single window facility.
    (11) The State Government shall frame a scheme for the use of the land which
    would become available on account of shifting/relocation of the industries before
    June 30, 1997. The State Government may seek guidance in this respect from the
    order of this Court dated May 10, 1996 in I.A. No. 22 in Writ Petition (Civil) No.
    4677 of 1985.
    (12) The shifting industries on the relocation in the new industrial estates shall be
    given incentives in terms of provisions of the Agra Master Plan and also the
    incentives which are normally extended to new industries in new industrial estates.
    (13) The workmen employed in the above-mentioned 292 industries shall be
    entitled to the rights and benefits as indicated hereunder :
    (a) The workmen shall have continuity of employment at the new
    town and place where the industry is shifted. The terms and conditions of
    their employment shall not be altered to their detriment.
    (b) The period between the closure of the industry in Agra and its
    restart at the place of relocation shall be treated as active employment and
    the workmen shall be paid their full wages with continuity of service.
    (c) All those workmen who agree to shift with the industry shall be
    given one year’s wages as ‘shifting bonus’ to help them settle at the new
    location. The said bonus shall be paid before January 31, 1998.
    (d) The workmen employed in the industries who do not intend to
    relocate/obtain natural gas and opt for closure, shall be deemed to have
    been retrenched by May 31, 1997, provided they have been in continuous
    service (as defined in Section 25-B of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947)
    for not less than one year in the industries concerned before the said date.
    They shall be paid compensation in terms of Section 25-F(b) of the
    Industrial Disputes Act. These workmen shall also be paid, in addition, six
    years’ wages as additional compensation.
    (e) The compensation payable to the workmen in terms of this
    judgment shall be paid by the management within two months of the
    (f) The gratuity amount payable to any workmen shall be paid in
  16. Before parting with this judgment, we may indicate that the industries in the TTZ
    other than 292 industries shall be dealt with separately. We direct the Board to issue
    individual notices and also public notice to the remaining industries in the TTZ to apply for
    gas connection/relocation within one month of the notice by the Board. The Board shall issue
    notice within one month from today. The matter is to come up for further monitoring in this
    respect before this Court on April 4, 1997.
  17. We may also indicate that this Court by order dated May 10, 1996 has stopped the
    operation of all the brick kilns in the TTZ with effect from August 15, 1996. This Court by
    order dated September 4, 1996 has directed that the fly-ash produced in the process of the
    functioning of thermal plants may be supplied to the brick kilns for the construction of bricks.
    This would be a useful step to eliminate the pollution caused by fly-ash.
  18. This Court is separately monitoring the following issues for controlling air pollution
    in TTZ:
    (a) The setting up of hydrocracker unit and various other devices by the Mathura
    (b) The setting up of 50 bed hospital and two mobile dispensaries by the Mathura
    Refinery to provide medical aid to the people living in the surrounding areas (Court order
    dated August 7, 1996).
    (c) Construction of Agra bypass to divert all the traffic which passes through the city.
    Under directions of this Court, 24 kms. stretch of the by-pass shall be completed by the
    end of December 1996 (Court order dated April 10, 1996).
    (d) Additional amount of Rs. 99.54 crores sanctioned by the Planning Commission to
    be utilised by the State Government for the construction of electricity supply projects to
    ensure 100 per cent uninterrupted electricity to the TTZ. This is necessary to stop the
    operation of generating sets which are major source of air pollution in the TTZ (Court
    orders dated April 10, 1996, May 10, 1996, August 30, 1996, September 4, 1996 and
    September 10, 1996).
    (e) The construction of Gokul Barrage, water supply work of Gokul Barrage, roads
    around Gokul Barrage, Agra Barrage and water supply of Agra Barrage, have also been
    undertaken on a time schedule basis to supply drinking water to the residents of Agra and
    to bring life into river Yamuna which is next to the Taj (Court order dated May 10, 1996
    and August 30, 1996).
    (f) Green belt as recommended by NEERI has been set up around Taj. Pursuant to
    continuous monitoring of this Court, the Green Belt has become a reality.
    (g) This Court suggested to the Planning Commission by order dated September 4,
    1996 to consider sanctioning separate allocation for the city of Agra and the creation of
    separate cell under the control of Central Government to safeguard and preserve the Taj,
    the city of Agra and other national heritage monuments in the TT.
    (h) All emporia and shops functioning within the Taj premises have been directed to
    be closed.
    (i) Directions have been issued to the Government of India to decide the issue
    pertaining to declaration of Agra as heritage city, within two months.

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