February 23, 2025
DU LLBEnvironmental LawSemester 6

PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTIONForum Prevention of Envn. & Sound Pollution v. Union of India, AIR2005 SC 3136

Case Summary

Law Points
Ratio Decidendi & Case Authority

Full Case Details

R.C. LAHOTI, CJI: These two matters before us raise certain issues of far-reaching
implications in day-to-day life of the people in India relatable to noise pollution vis-a-vis right
to life enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution as interpreted in its wide sweep by the
Constitutional courts of the country. Though a limited grievance was raised to begin with but
several intervenors and interlocutory applications enhanced the scope of hearing and the cases
were heard in a very wide perspective centering around Article 21 of the Constitution. Several
associated and incidental issues have also been gone into. Facts in W.P. No.72/98

  1. CWP No. 72/98 is filed by Shri Anil K. Mittal, an engineer by profession moving the
    Court pro bono publico. The immediate provocation for filing the petition was that a 13 year
    old girl was a victim of rape (as reported in newspapers of January 3, 1998). Her cries for help
    sunk and went unheard due to blaring noise of music over loudspeaker in the neighbourhood.
    The victim girl, later in the evening, set herself ablaze and died of 100% burn injuries. The
    petition complains of noise created by the use of the loudspeakers being used in religious
    performances or singing bhajans and the like in busy commercial localities on the days of
    weekly offs. Best quality hi-fi audio systems are used. Open space, meant for use by the
    schools in the locality, is let out for use in marriage functions and parties wherein merry
    making goes on with hi-fi amplifiers and loudspeakers without any regard to timings. Modern
    residents of the locality organize terrace parties for socializing and use high capacity stereo
    systems in abundance. These are a few instances of noise pollution generated much to the
    chagrin of students taking examinations who find it utterly difficult to concentrate on studies
    before and during examinations. The noise polluters have no regard for the inconvenience and
    discomfort of the people in the vicinity. Noise pollution has had its victims in the past and
    continues to have victims today as well. The petitioner seeks to invoke the writ jurisdiction of
    this Court so that there may not be victims of noise pollution in future. The principal prayer is
    that the existing laws for restricting the use of loudspeakers and other high volume noise
    producing audio-video systems, be directed to be rigorously enforced.
  2. The Government of India framed and published Noise Pollution Control and
    Regulation Rules, 1999. On 11.10.2002 the Government of India brought in an amendment in
    the Rules. The amendment empowered the State Government to permit use of loudspeaker or
    public address system during night hours (between 10 pm and 12 pm mid-night) on or during
    the cultural or religious occasions for a limited period not exceeding 15 days. Vires of this
    amendment were put in issue by the appellant submitting that the provision is not
    accompanied by any guidelines and is capable of being misused to such an extent that the
    whole purpose behind enacting the Rules itself may be defeated. The High Court of Kerala
    found the petition devoid of any merit and directed the petition to be dismissed. Feeling
    aggrieved, this petition has been filed by special leave.
  3. The special leave petition and, in particular, the writ petition raise issues of wide
    ranging dimensions relating to noise pollution and the implications thereof. Taking
    cognizance of the matters as public interest litigation, the Court vide its order dated 6.4.98,
    directed the cause title of the petition filed by Shri Anil Kumar Mittal to be amended as “In
    re. Noise Pollution Implementation of the Laws for Restricting Voice of Loudspeakers and
    High Volume Producing Sound System”.
  4. The Union of India and the Central Pollution Control Board have not opposed the
    prayer made in the writ petition and the appeal and have rather supported the writ petitioner.
    Valuable inputs have been provided by the Central Pollution Control Board in the form of
    pleadings, authentic publications, research documents and other papers. The Union of India,
    while not opposing the relief sought for by the petitioner, has pointed out several practical
    difficulties in completely regulating and where necessary, eliminating noise pollution.
  5. Though the sweep of hearing in these matters has been very wide, the principal thrust
    of the writ petitioner and the learned Amicus has been directed towards noise created by
    firecrackers, loudspeakers used by political parties, at religious places and on religious and
    social occasions or festivals. Hindu Bokta Jana Sabai, Tamil Nadu Fireworks and Amorces
    Manufacturers Association, Universal Society Performance, All India Federation of
    Fireworks Association, Indian Fireworks Manufacturers Association and some individuals
    have sought for interventions. It is not necessary to notice the contents of the intervention
    applications in detail. Suffice it to say that the reliefs sought for in the applications are
    conflicting. Some of the intervenors have sought for:-
    (i) noise created by horns of engines, pressure horns in automobiles, loudspeakers,
    denting, painting of cars, particularly, in residential areas and from unauthorized premises
    being prohibited;
    (ii) use of loudspeakers in religious places such as temples, mosque, churches,
    gurudwaras and other places being discontinued or at least regulated;
    (iii) firecrackers burst during Diwali festival and on other occasions for fun or merry
    making being prohibited completely, if the noise created exceeds certain decibels and being
    so regulated as to prevent bursting during night hours.
    Other set of intervenors seeks such like reliefs:-
    (i) granting exemption in favour of bursting of firecrackers on or during festivals without
    regard to the limit of time as such bursting of firecrackers is associated with the performance
    of ceremonies relating to religion or social occasions;
    (ii) laying down mechanism for regulating the very manufacturing of firecrackers so that
    such firecrackers as unreasonably enhance noise pollution may be kept away from entering
    the markets and playing into the hands of the people.
  6. Article 21 of the Constitution guarantees life and personal liberty to all persons. It is
    well settled by repeated pronouncements of this Court as also the High Courts that right to life
    enshrined in Article 21 is not of mere survival or existence. It guarantees a right of persons to
    life with human dignity. Therein are included, all the aspects of life which go to make a
    person’s life meaningful, complete and worth living. The human life has its charm and there
    is no reason why the life should not be enjoyed along with all permissible pleasures. Anyone
    who wishes to live in peace, comfort and quiet within his house has a right to prevent the
    noise as pollutant reaching him. No one can claim a right to create noise even in his own
    premises which would travel beyond his precincts and cause nuisance to neighbours or others.
    Any noise which has the effect of materially interfering with the ordinary comforts of life
    judged by the standard of a reasonable man is nuisance. How and when a nuisance created by
    noise becomes actionable has to be answered by reference to its degree and the surrounding
    circumstances, the place and the time.
  7. Those who make noise often take shelter behind Article 19(1)A pleading freedom of
    speech and right to expression. Undoubtedly, the freedom of speech and right to expression
    are fundamental rights but the rights are not absolute. Nobody can claim a fundamental right
    to create noise by amplifying the sound of his speech with the help of loudspeakers. While
    one has a right to speech, others have a right to listen or decline to listen. Nobody can be
    compelled to listen and nobody can claim that he has a right to make his voice trespass into
    the ears or mind of others. Nobody can indulge into aural aggression. If anyone increases his
    volume of speech and that too with the assistance of artificial devices so as to compulsorily
    expose unwilling persons to hear a noise raised to unpleasant or obnoxious levels then the
    person speaking is violating the right of others to a peaceful, comfortable and pollution-free
    life guaranteed by Article 21. Article 19(1)a cannot be pressed into service for defeating the
    fundamental right guaranteed by Article 21. We need not further dwell on this aspect. Two
    decisions in this regard delivered by High Courts have been brought to our notice wherein the
    right to live in an atmosphere free from noise pollution has been upheld as the one guaranteed
    by Article 21 of the Constitution. These decisions are Free Legal Aid Cell Shri Sugan Chand
    Aggarwal alias Bhagatji v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi [AIR (2001) Del. 455 (DB)] and P.A.
    Jacob v. Superintendent of Police, Kottayam [AIR (1993) Ker 1]. We have carefully gone
    through the reasoning adopted in the two decisions and the principle of law laid down therein,
    in particular, the exposition of Article 21 of the Constitution. We find ourselves in entire
    agreement therewith.
  8. The present cases provide an opportunity for examining several questions, such as
    what is noise? What are its adverse effects? Whether noise pollution runs in conflict with the
    fundamental rights of the people? And what relief can be allowed by way of directions issued
    in public interest?
  9. Not that the Legislature and the Executive in India are completely unmindful of the
    menace of noise pollution. Laws have been enacted and the Rules have been framed by the
    Executive for carrying on the purposes of the legislation. The real issue is with the
    implementation of the laws. What is needed is the will to implement the laws. It would be
    useful to have a brief resume of some of the laws which are already available on the Statute
    Book. Treatment of the problem of noise pollution can be dealt under the Law of Crimes and
    Civil Law. Civil law can be divided under two heads (i) The Law of Torts (ii) The General
    Civil Law. The cases regarding noise have not come before the law courts in large quantity.
    The reason behind this is that many people in India did not consider noise as a sort of
    pollution and they are not very much conscious about the evil consequences of noise
    pollution. The level of noise pollution is relative and depends upon a person and a particular
    place. The law will not take care of a super sensitive person but the standard is of an average
    and rational human being in the society.
    The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000
  10. In order to curb the growing problem of noise pollution, the Government of India has
    enacted the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000. Prior to the enactment of
    these rules noise pollution was not being dealt specifically by a particular Act.
    “Whereas the increasing ambient noise levels in public places from various
    sources, inter-alia, industrial activity, construction activity, generator sets,
    loudspeakers, public address systems, music systems, vehicular horns and other
    mechanical devices, have deleterious effects on human health and the psychological
    well being of the people; it is considered necessary to regulate and control noise
    producing and generating sources with the objective of maintaining the ambient air
    quality standard in respect of noise;”
  11. The main provisions of the noise rules are as under:
  12. The State Government may categorize the areas into industrial, commercial,
    residential or silence areas/zones for the purpose of implementation of noise
    standards for different areas.
  13. The ambient air quality standards in respect of noise for different areas/zones
    has been specified for in the Schedule annexed to the Rules.
  14. The State Government shall take measures for abatement of noise including
    noise emanating from vehicular movements and ensure that the existing noise levels
    do not exceed the ambient air quality standards specified under these rules.
  15. An area comprising not less than 100 meters around hospitals, educational
    institutions and courts may be declared as silence area/zone for the purpose of these
  16. A loudspeaker or a public address system shall not be used except after
    obtaining written permission from the authority and the same shall not be used at
    night i.e. between 10.00p.m. and 6.00 a.m.
  17. A person found violating the provisions as to the maximum noise permissible
    in any particular area shall be liable to be punished for it as per the provisions of these
    rules and any other law in force.
    Indian Penal Code
    92-93. Noise pollution can be dealt under Sections 268, 290 and 291 of the Indian Penal
    Code, as a public nuisance. Under Section 268 of this Code, it is mentioned that ‘A person is
    guilty of a public nuisance who does any act or is guilty of an illegal omission which causes
    any common injury, danger or annoyance to the public or the people in general who dwell or
    occupy property in the vicinity, or which must necessarily cause injury, obstruction, danger or
    annoyance to persons who may have occasion to use any public right. A common nuisance is
    not excused on the ground that it causes some convenience or advantage.’ Sections 290 and
    291 of the Indian Penal Code deal with the punishment for public nuisance.
    Criminal Procedure Code
  18. Under Section 133 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 the magistrate has the
    power to make conditional order requiring The Factories Act, 1948.
    The Factories Act
  19. The Factories Act does not contain any specific provision for noise control. However,
    under the Third Schedule Sections 89 and 90 of the Act, ‘noise induced hearing loss’, is
    mentioned as a notifiable disease. Under section 89 of the Act, any medical practitioner who
    detects any notifiable disease, including noise-induced hearing loss, in a worker, has to report
    the case to the Chief Inspector of Factories, along with all other relevant information. Failure
    to do so is a punishable offence.
  20. Similarly, under the Model Rules, limits for noise exposure for work zone area has
    been prescribed.
    Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and and rules framed thereunder
  21. Rules 119 and 120 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, deal with reduction of
    Rule 119. Horns
    (1) On and after expiry of one year from the date of commencement of the
    Central Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, 1999, every motor vehicle including
    construction equipment vehicle and agricultural tractor manufactured shall be fitted
    with an electric horn or other devices conforming to the requirements of IS:
    1884?1992, specified by the Bureau of Indian Standards for use by the driver of the
    vehicle and capable of giving audible and sufficient warning of the approach or
    position of the vehicle: Provided that on and from 1st January, 2003, the horn
    installation shall be as per AIS-014 specifications, as may be amended from time to
    time, till such time as corresponding Bureau of Indian Standards specifications are
    (2) Noise standards – No motor vehicle shall be fitted with any multi-toned horn
    giving a succession of different notes or with any other sound-producing device
    giving an unduly harsh, shrill, loud or alarming noise.
    Rule 120. Silencers
    (1) Every motor vehicle including agricultural tractor shall be fitted with a device
    (hereinafter referred to as a silencer) which by means of an expansion chamber or
    otherwise reduces as far as practicable, the noise that would otherwise be made by
    the escape of exhaust gases from the engine.
    (2) Noise standards. Every motor vehicle shall be constructed and maintained so as to
    conform to noise standards specified in Part E of the Schedule VI to the Environment
    (Protection) Rules, 1986, when tested as per IS: 3028-1998, as amended from time to
    Law of Torts
  22. Quietness and freedom from noise are indispensable to the full and free enjoyment
    of a dwelling-house. No proprietor has an absolute right to create noises upon his own
    land, because any right which the law gives is qualified by the condition that it must
    not be exercised to the nuisance of his neighbours or of the public. Noise will create
    an actionable nuisance only if it materially interferes with the ordinary comfort of life,
    judged by ordinary, plain and simple notions, and having regard to the locality; the
    question being one of degree in each case.
    The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981
  23. Noise was included in the definition of air pollutant in Air (Prevention and
    Control of Pollution) Act in 1981. Thus, the provisions of the Air Act, became
    applicable in respect of noise pollution, also.
    The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
  24. In the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, although there is no specific provision to
    deal with noise pollution, the Act confers powers on Government of India to take measures to
    deal with various types of pollution including noise pollution.
    The Explosives Act, 1884 regulates manufacture, possession, use, sale, transport, import
    & export of explosives. Firecrackers are governed by this Statute. Rule 87 of the Explosives
    Rule, 1983 prohibits manufacture of any explosive at any place, except in factory or premises
    licensed under the Rules. In India there is no separate Act that regulates the manufacture,
    possession, use, sale, manufacture and transactions in firecrackers. All this is regulated by
    The Explosives Act, 1884. The Noise that is produced by these fireworks is regulated by the
    Environmental Protection Act, 1986 and The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules,
  25. In Kirori Mal Bishambar Dayal v. The State, [AIR 1958 Punj 11],
    accused/petitioner was convicted and sentenced under Section 290 of Indian Penal Code 1860
    and was fined Rs. 50 for causing noise and emitting smoke and vibrations by operating of
    heavy machinery in the residential area. The orders of the trial court was upheld by the
    District Magistrate in appeal. The High Court of Punjab & Haryana also upheld the decision
    of the courts below and dismissed the revision petition. In the case of Bhuban Ram v.
    Bibhuti Bhushan Biswas [AIR 1919 Calcutta 539], it was held that working of a paddy
    husking machine at night causes nuisance by noise and the occupier was held liable to be
    punished under Section 290 IPC. In Ivour Heyden v. State of Andhra Pradesh, [1984 Cri LJ
    (NOC) 16], the High Court of Andhra Pradesh excused the act of playing radio loudly on the
    ground that it was a trivial act. Careful reading of Section 95 of IPC shows that only that harm
    is excused which is not expected to be complained by the person of ordinary temper and
  26. In Rabin Mukherjee v. State of West Bengal, [AIR 1985 Cal. 222] the use of air
    horns was prohibited by the court to prevent noise pollution. The Court observed:
    It is found that the atmosphere and the environment is very much polluted from
    indiscriminating noise emitted from different quarters and on research it was found
    that persons who are staying near the Airport, are becoming victim of various
    ailments. Such persons even become victim of mental disease. On such research it
    was also found that workers in various factories even become deaf and hard of
    hearing. It was further found on such research that as a result of this excessive noise
    pollution, people suffer from loss of appetite, depression, mental restlessness and
    insomnia. People also suffer from excessive blood pressure and heart trouble. It is not
    necessary to go into the question about direct effect of such noise pollution because
    of indiscriminate and illegal use of such electric and air horn as it is an admitted
    position that the same is injurious to health and amongst different causes of
    environmental pollution, sound pollution is one which is of grave concern.”
  27. In the case of People United for better Living in Calcutta v. State of West Bengal
    [AIR 1993 Cal. 215] the Calcutta High Court observed:
    In a developing country there shall have to be developments, but that
    development shall have to be in closest possible harmony with the environment, as
    otherwise there would be development but no environment, which would result in
    total devastation, though, however, may not be felt in present but at some future point
    of time, but then it would be too late in the day, however, to control and improve the
    environment. In fact, there should be a proper balance between the protection of
    environment and the development process. The society shall have to prosper, but not
    at the cost of the environment and in similar vein, the environment shall have to be
    protected but not at the cost of the development of the society and as such a balance
    has to be found out and administrative actions ought to proceed accordingly.
  28. In Burrabazar Fireworks Dealers Association v. Commissioner of police, Calcutta
    [AIR 1998 Cal. 121] it has been held
    Art. 19(1)(g) of the Constitution of India does not guarantee the fundamental
    right to carry on trade or business which creates pollution or which takes away that
    community’s safety, health and peace. A citizen or people cannot be made a captive
    listener to hear the tremendous sounds caused by bursting out from noisy fireworks.
    It may give pleasure to one or two persons who burst it but others have to be a
    captive listener whose fundamental rights guaranteed under Article 19(10(a) and
    other provisions of the Constitution are taken away, suspended and made
    meaningless. Under Art. 19(1)(a), read with Art. 21 of the Constitution of India, the
    citizens have a right of decent environment and they have a right to live peacefully,
    right to sleep at night and to have a right to leisure which are all necessary under Art.
    21 of the Constitution.”(Headnote)
  29. The Supreme Court in Church of God (Full Gospel) in India v. K.K.R. Majestic
    Colony Welfare Assn. [(2000) 7 SCC 282] held that the Court may issue directions in respect
    of controlling noise pollution even if such noise was a direct result of and was connected with
    religious activities. It was further held:-
    Undisputedly, no religion prescribes that prayers should be performed by
    disturbing the peace of others nor does it preach that they should be through voice
    amplifiers or beating of drums. In our view, in a civilized society in the name of
    religion, activities which disturb old or infirm persons, students or children having
    their sleep in the early hours or during daytime or other persons carrying on other
    activities cannot be permitted. It should not be forgotten that young babies in the
    neighbourhood are also entitled to enjoy their natural right of sleeping in a peaceful
    atmosphere. A student preparing for his examination is entitled to concentrate on his
    studies without their being any unnecessary disturbance by the neighbours. Similarly,
    the old and the infirm are entitled to enjoy reasonable quietness during their leisure
    hours without there being any nuisance of noise pollution. Aged, sick, people
    afflicted with psychic disturbances as well as children up to 6 years of age are
    considered to be very sensible (sic sensitive) to noise. Their rights are also required to
    be honoured.
    Under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, rules for noise-pollution level are
    framed which prescribe permissible limits of noise in residential, commercial,
    industrial areas or silence zone. The question is whether the appellant can be
    permitted to violate the said provisions and add to the noise pollution. In our view, to
    claim such a right in itself would be unjustifiable. In these days, the problem of noise
    pollution has become more serious with the increasing trend towards
    industrialisation, urbanization and modernisation and is having many evil effects
    including danger to health. It may cause interruption of sleep, affect communication,
    loss of efficiency, hearing loss or deafness, high blood pressure, depression,
    irritability, fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, allergy, distraction, mental stress and
    annoyance etc. This also affects animals alike. The extent of damage depends upon
    the duration and the intensity of noise. Sometimes it leads to serious law and order
    problem. Further, in an organized society, rights are related with duties towards
    others including neighbours……because of urbanization or industrialization the noise
    pollution may in some area of a city/town might be exceeding permissible limits
    prescribed under the Rules, but that would not be a ground for permitting others to
    increase the same by beating of drums or by use of voice amplifiers, loudspeakers or
    by such other musical instruments and, therefore, rules prescribing reasonable
    restrictions including the Rules for the use of loudspeakers and voice amplifiers
    framed under the Madras Town Nuisances Act, 1889 and also the Noise Pollution
    (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 are required to be enforced.
  30. We have referred to a few, not all available judgments. Suffice is to observe that
    Indian Judicial opinion has been uniform in recognizing right to live in freedom from noise
    pollution as a fundamental right protected by Article 21 of the Constitution and noise
    pollution beyond permissible limits as an in-road on that right. We agree with and record our
    approval of the view taken and the opinion expressed by the several High Courts in the
    decisions referred to hereinabove.
  31. During the course of the hearing of this case the Court had passed several interim
    orders keeping in mind the importance of the issue.
  32. The interim order dated 27/09/2001 deserves to be mentioned in particular, which
    directed as under:
    (1) The Union Government, the Union Territories as well as all the State
    Governments shall take steps to strictly comply with Notification No. G.S.R. 682(E)
    dated October 05, 1999 whereby the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 framed
    under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 were amended. They shall in particular
    comply with amended Rule 89 of the said Rules, which reads as follows:
    “89. Noise standards for fire-crackers A.
    (i) The manufacture, sale or use of firecrackers generating noise level
    exceeding 125 dB(AI) or 145 dB( C)pk at 4 meters distance from the point of
    bursting shall be prohibited.
    (ii) For individual fire-cracker constituting the series (joined fire-crackers),
    the above mentioned limit be reduced by 5 log 10(N) dB, where N = number of
    crackers joined together.
    (2) The use of fireworks or fire-crackers shall not be permitted except between
    6.00 a.m. and 10.00p.m. No firework or firecracker shall be allowed between 10.00
    p.m. and 6.00 a.m.
    (3) Firecrackers shall not be used at any time in silence zones, as defined in S.O.
    1046(E) issued on 22.11.2000 by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. In the
    said Notification Silence Zone has been defined as:
    “Silence Zone is an area comprising not less than 100 meters around
    hospitals, educational institutions, courts, religious places or any other area
    which is declared as such by the competent authority.”
    (4) The State Education Resource Centres in all the States and the Union
    Territories as well as the management/principals of schools in all the States and
    Union Territories shall take appropriate steps to educate students about the ill effects
    of air and noise pollution and appraise them of directions (1) to (3) above.
    These interim directions were also directed to be given wide publicity both by electronic
    and print media. It was said that Doordarshan and other television channels shall give
    publicity to these directions, at least once every day during prime time, during the fortnight
    before Dussehra and Diwali. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting was asked to
    bring these directions to the notice of the general public through appropriate advertisements,
    issued in the newspapers. The All India Radio was asked to broadcast these directions on
    prime time on FM and other frequencies for information of the general public.
  33. Due to the imposition of the restrictions on the bursting of firecrackers, several
    Interim Applications came to be filed before the Court. The Court vide its interim order dated
    10.9.2003 stated:
    Through the I.A.s filed in this Court the following two suggestions deserve
    Firstly, it is submitted that certain local festivals and celebrations are
    accompanied customarily by bursting of firecrackers which is at times at such hours
    as is not permissible under the order of this Court dated 27.9.2001. Secondly, it is
    pointed out that the industry of fireworks may face serious difficulty, even partial
    closure, on account of the directions made by this Court.
    We have grave doubts if the above said considerations can come in the way of
    the enforcement of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution for the citizens
    and people of India to live in peace and comfort, in an atmosphere free from
    pollution of any kind, such as one caused by noise and foul/poisonous gases.
    However still, without expressing any final opinion on the pleas advanced, we allow
    the parties adversely affected the liberty to make representation to their respective
    State Governments and the State Governments may, in their turn, if satisfied of the
    genuineness of the representation made, invite the attention of the Govt. of India, to
    the suggestions made.
  34. We are happy to note that the initial reluctance to abide by the interim directions
    made by this Court as displayed by the subsequent interlocutory applications soon gave way
    to compliance. By and large the interim directions made by the Court were observed in
    compliance. Police and civil administration remained alert during Diwali Festival to see that
    the directions made by the Court were complied with. Resident Welfare Associations and
    school children gave a very encouraging response who voluntarily desisted from bursting
    firecrackers in prohibited hours of night and also bursting such firecrackers as produce high
    level noise.
  35. India has passed through the stage of being characterised as a developing country
    and is ready to enter and stand in the line of developed countries. Yet, the issue of noise
    pollution in India has not been taken so far with that seriousness as it ought to have been.
    Firstly, as we have stated earlier, there is a lack of will on the part of the Executive to
    implement the laws. This has contributed to lack of infrastructure essential for attaining the
    enforcement of laws. Secondly, there is lack of requisite awareness on the part of the citizens.
    The deleterious effects of noise pollution are not well known to the people and are not
    immediately perceptible. People generally accept noise pollution as a part of life, a necessary
    consequence of progress and prosperity.
  36. The problems that are being faced in controlling noise pollution are:-
  37. The Statutes and the Rules framed thereunder are not comprehensive enough so as
    to deal with all the problems and issues related to noise pollution. This impression of ours
    stands reaffirmed on a comparative reading of legislation in India with these in other
    countries of the world to which we have referred to briefly earlier in this judgment.
  38. The authorities responsible for implementing the laws are not yet fully identified.
    Those which have been designated, do not seem to be specialised in the task of regulating
    noise pollution. There is dearth of necessary personnel technically qualified to act
    effectively. What is needed is a combination of technically qualified and administratively
    competent personnel with the requisite desire and dedication for implementation of the
  39. There is lack of proper gadgets and equipments and other infrastructure such as
    labs for measuring the noise levels. Due to the shortage of the instruments needed for the
    purpose of measuring sound, the policemen who are on the job usually end up measuring
    sound with their ears itself and not with the use of technical instruments.
  40. It is hereby directed as under:
    I. Firecrackers
  41. On a comparison of the two systems, i.e. the present system of evaluating
    firecrackers on the basis of noise levels, and the other where the firecrackers shall be
    evaluated on the basis of chemical composition, we feel that the latter method is more
    practical and workable in Indian circumstances. It shall be followed unless and until
    replaced by a better system.
  42. The Department of Explosives (DOE) shall undertake necessary research activity
    for the purpose and come out with the chemical formulae for each type or category or
    class of firecrackers. The DOE shall specify the proportion/composition as well as the
    maximum permissible weight of every chemical used in manufacturing firecrackers.
  43. The Department of Explosives may divide the firecrackers into two categories- (i)
    Sound emitting firecrackers, and (ii) Colour/light emitting firecrackers.
  44. There shall be a complete ban on bursting sound emitting firecrackers between 10
    pm and 6 am. It is not necessary to impose restrictions as to time on bursting of
    colour/light emitting firecrackers.
  45. Every manufacturer shall on the box of each firecracker mention details of its
    chemical contents and that it satisfies the requirement as laid down by DOE. In case of a
    failure on the part of the manufacturer to mention the details or in cases where the
    contents of the box do not match the chemical formulae as stated on the box, the
    manufacturer may be held liable.
  46. Firecrackers for the purpose of export may be manufactured bearing higher noise
    levels subject to the following conditions: (i) The manufacturer should be permitted to do
    so only when he has an export order with him and not otherwise;(ii) The noise levels for
    these firecrackers should conform to the noise standards prescribed in the country to
    which they are intended to be exported as per the export order; (iii) These firecrackers
    should have a different colour packing, from those intended to be sold in India; (iv) They
    must carry a declaration printed thereon something like ‘not for sale in India’ or ‘only for
    export to country AB’ and so on.
    II. Loudspeakers
  47. The noise level at the boundary of the public place, where loudspeaker or public
    address system or any other noise source is being used shall not exceed 10 dB(A) above
    the ambient noise standards for the area or 75 dB(A) whichever is lower.
  48. No one shall beat a drum or tom-tom or blow a trumpet or beat or sound any
    instrument or use any sound amplifier at night (between 10. 00 p.m. and 6.a.m.) except in
    public emergencies.
  49. The peripheral noise level of privately owned sound system shall not exceed by
    more than 5 dB(A) than the ambient air quality standard specified for the area in which it
    is used, at the boundary of the private place.
    III. Vehicular Noise
    No horn should be allowed to be used at night (between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.) in residential
    area except in exceptional circumstances.
    IV. Awareness
  50. There is a need for creating general awareness towards the hazardous effects of
    noise pollution. Suitable chapters may be added in the text-books which teach civic sense
    to the children and youth at the initial/early level of education. Special talks and lectures
    be organised in the schools to highlight the menace of noise pollution and the role of the
    children and younger generation in preventing it. Police and civil administration should
    be trained to understand the various methods to curb the problem and also the laws on the
  51. The State must play an active role in this process. Resident Welfare Associations,
    service Clubs and Societies engaged in preventing noise pollution as a part of their
    projects need to be encouraged and actively involved by the local administration.
  52. Special public awareness campaigns in anticipation of festivals, events and
    ceremonial occasions whereat firecrackers are likely to be used, need to be carried out.
  53. The above said guidelines are issued in exercise of power conferred on this
    Court under Articles 141 and 142 of the Constitution of India. These would remain in
    force until modified by this Court or superseded by an appropriate legislation.
    V. Generally
  54. The States shall make provision for seizure and confiscation of loudspeakers,
    amplifiers and such other equipments as are found to be creating noise beyond the
    permissible limits.
  55. Rule 3 of the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 makes
    provision for specifying ambient air quality standards in respect of noise for different
    areas/zones, categorization of the areas for the purpose of implementation of noise
    standards, authorizing the authorities for enforcement and achievement of laid down
    standards. The Central Government/State Governments shall take steps for laying down
    such standards and notifying the authorities where it has not already been done.
  56. Though, the matters are closed consistently with the directions as above issued in
    public interest, there will be liberty of seeking further directions as and when required and in
    particular in the event of any difficulty arising in implementing the directions. Before parting,
    we would like to place on record our deep appreciation of valuable assistance rendered by
    Shri Jitendra Sharma, Senior Advocate assisted by Shri Sandeep Narain, Advocate (and
    earlier by late Shri Pankaj Kalra, Advocate) who highlighted several relevant aspects of the
    issues before us and also helped in formulating the guidelines issued as above.

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