March 10, 2025

Human Rights council established by UN answer writing

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conclusiondecision as per our reasoning

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is a United Nations body whose mission is to promote and protect human rights around the world.The Council has 47 members elected for staggered three-year terms on a regional group basis. The headquarters of the Council are at the United Nations Office at Geneva in Switzerland.

The Council investigates allegations of breaches of human rights in United Nations member states and addresses thematic human rights issues like freedom of association and assembly, freedom of expression, freedom of belief and religion, women’s rights, LGBT rights, and the rights of racial and ethnic minorities.

Basic Overview of the UNHRC

The main objective of UNHRC is to investigate allegations of human rights abuse in member states of the United Nations and ensure that the following human rights issues are addressed and upheld to the maximum extent.

  1. Freedom of assembly
  2. Freedom of expression and free speech
  3. Freedom of religion
  4. Protection of women’s rights
  5. Protecting rights of LGBTQ community and that of racial and ethnic minorities.

The UNHRC was created under the auspices of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to replace the UN commission on human rights due to the reaon that it was under severe criticism as its members were primary human rights council works in coordination with the Office of the HIGH COMMISSIONER for HUMAN RIGHTS (OHCHR).

Structure of UNHRC:

  1. Africa – 13
  2. Asia – 13
  3. Eastern Europe – 6
  4. Latin America – 8
  5. Caribbean – 8
  6. Western Europe – 7
  7. Other Groups – 7

The UNGA has the power to suspend the rights of any Human Rights Council member if it is found to have been constantly committing human rights violations during its tenure. The suspension comes into effect with a 2/3 majority by the General Assembly Regular sessions of the UNHRC are held during the months of
March, June and September.A special session can be held at any time should the UNHRC deem it necessary or at the request of the member states. As of May 2020, 28 special sessions have been held.
For the smooth functioning of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the following subsidiary bodies have been established which directly report to the council:

Universal Periodic Review Working Group
The Universal Periodic progress review of all 193 UN members. The basis of a new mechanism is on reports from different sources, among which is the contribution from NGOs. Each nation’s human rights progression will be examined during a three-and-a-half-hour debate.
The first cycle of review took place between 2008 and 2011, the second between 2012 and 2016. The third cycle began in 2017 and is expected to be completed in 2021

Advisory Committee
In September 2007, the UNHRC created an Advisory Committee to provide expert advice on various human rights issues, The composition of the Committee is as follows:

  1. Africa -5
  2. Asia -5
  3. Latin America and the Caribbean – 3
  4. Western Europe- 3
  5. Eastern Europe – 2

This task was earlier done by the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and the Protection of Human RIghts. It conducts studies on Discriminatory practises on the basis of race, religion, language ethnicity, etc.

Complaints Procedure
Established in 18 June, 2007, the Complaints Procedure helps in reporting of consistent and reliable reporting of human rights violations as well as that of other fundamental freedoms from around the world, It was two working groups to supplement the Complaint Procedure:
Working Group on Communications (WGC): Consists of five experts designated by the Advisory Committee from its members selected from each regional group. Serving for 3 years, the exerts
determine whether a complaint deserves investigation.
Working Group on Situations (WGS): Once the WGC decides a human rights complaint needs to be investigated it is passed to this group. The WGS meets twice a year to examine the replies of the concerned states, as well as the situations which are already before the UNHRC under the complaint procedure.

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