March 10, 2025
DU LLBLaw of EvidenceSemester 2

Bodhraj v. State of J. & K. (2002) 8 SCC 45

Case Summary

CitationBodhraj v. State of J. & K.(2002) 8 SCC 45
Keywordssec 27 of IEA , discovery of facts, circumstantial evidence
FactsDeceased , Swaran Singh, was running a finance company and there are two accused in his company, Ashok Kumar and Ravinder Kumar, took the loan and suggested deceased to enter into financial arrangement.
All the 3 parties went to look at a site for flour mill purpose and some people came later on and attecked on the deceased.
Ashok issued a cheque in bank and Ravinder had revolver of deceased as his license was seized.
2 of them made statement to prosecution witness that they killed the party as he was demanding money from them.
These statement were made before police, in recovering weapons, the other accused has been identified by prosecution witness. The accused Bodhraj was identified by prosecution witness.
Trial court acquitted Bodhraj but convicted by High court.
IssuesWhether the discovery of weapons was found by information provided by accused can be treated as evidence t prove his guilt.
Law PointsCourt refer Padala Veera vs State of AP that this case is based upon circumstantial evidence and certain test should be followed:
circumstances from which the facts derived and inferences drawn should be firmly established.
Circumstance should prove the guilt of accused not his innocence.
Chain of evidence should be formed to prove the guilt.
Court held that only confession was there and weapons founded which are not sufficient to prove him guilty.
Court observed that establishing the facts that deceased was last seen with accused would be difficult , and in cases where there is large number of people who may be in between accused and the deceased , it may be even more difficult.
In absence of any further piece of evidence, the court held that accused was last seen with deceased and it was difficult to prove conviction.
Court held that to admit certain evidence the circumstances should be basis for the conviction of accused and proving circumstances are in consistent with facts lies upon prosecution and has to prove chain is complete (sharad birdhichand vs state of maharastra).
JudgementCourt held that last seen doctrine not always be concluded that accused is guilty of the offence.
information provided by accused in police custody regarding place he has concealed the articles cannot be regarded as information under section 27.
Court found him not guilty.
Ratio Decidendi & Case Authority

ARIJIT PASAYAT, J. – These four appeals relate to a Division Bench judgment of the

Jammu and Kashmir High Court dated 31-7-2000. While Criminal Appeals Nos. 921 of 2000,

791 and 792 of 2001 have been filed by the accused, Criminal Appeal No. 837 of 2001 has

been filed by the State.

2. Ravinder Kumar (Accused 1), Ashok Kumar (Accused 2) and Rajesh Kumar (Accused

6) were convicted by the trial court while Bodhraj (Accused 3), Bhupinder (Accused 4),

Subash Kumar (Accused 5) and Rakesh Kumar (Accused 7) were acquitted by the trial court,

but the High Court set aside their acquittal and convicted them. Rohit Kumar (Accused 8) and

Kewal Krishan (Accused 9) were acquitted by the trial court and their acquittal has been

upheld by the High Court. Another accused, i.e., Kishore Kumar was acquitted by the trial

court. He having died during the pendency of the appeal before the High Court, the appeal

against him was held to have abated. Accused Rajesh Kumar has not preferred any appeal

against the conviction as upheld by the High Court.

3. Accused 1 and Accused 2 having been convicted under Section 302 read with Section

120-B of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (in short “IPC”) were sentenced to suffer imprisonment

for life and pay a fine of Rs 20,000 each. It was stipulated that for default in paying the fine,

each had to suffer another year of imprisonment. Similar was the case with Accused 6. So far

as Accused 3, 4, 5 and 7 are concerned, the High Court convicted and sentenced them on a

par with the other three accused.

4. The factual scenario as highlighted by the prosecution is as follows:

Swaran Singh @ Pappi (hereinafter referred to as “the deceased”) was running a finance

company. Accused 2 (Ashok Kumar) and Accused 1 (Ravinder Kumar) had taken huge

amounts as loan from the deceased. They suggested to the deceased to enter into a financial

arrangement. On the fateful day, i.e., 3-8-1994, the deceased went to his business premises.

After about 10 minutes of his arrival, accused Ravinder Kumar also reached his office. As the

deceased had brought some money from his house which was to be deposited in a bank,

Darshan Singh (PW 15), an employee was asked to make the deposit. Since no vehicle was

available, Ravinder Kumar gave the key of his car to Darshan Singh. The registration number

of the car is CH 01 5408. Darshan Singh left the office around 11.30 a.m. and returned around

1.30 p.m. On his return, Darshan found the deceased in the company of accused Ravinder

Kumar and Ashok Kumar. He returned the key of the car to Ravinder Kumar. After about

10/15 minutes, the deceased and accused Ashok Kumar left the office. At the time of his

departure, the deceased told Darshan to take the food which was to come from his house, as

they were going out to have food. Accused Ashok Kumar and the deceased went to Hotel

Asia for taking their food. Later on, accused Ravinder Kumar joined them. All the three after

taking food went to the business premises of Gian Singh (PW 1) who was a property dealer

and broker. He was informed that they were interested in purchasing some land for setting up

a flour mill. Ravinder and Ashok Kumar persuaded the deceased to accompany them for the

selection of the site. Along with Gian Singh (PW 1), another property dealer was also picked


up. This was done as PW 1 wanted to go to the site in question along with Pratap Singh (PW

2) who was his business partner. All of them went to Village Dhiansar where the land was

situated. They went by Car No. JK 02B 566. As accused Ravinder Kumar appeared to be in

extreme haste, he told that the site has been approved and PWs 1 and 2 were told that they

would settle the matter at their business premises. When they were returning, the deceased

was attacked by some persons (later on identified as Accused 3 to 10). Accused 1 and 2

remained silent spectators and even did not pay any heed to the pitiful plea of the deceased to

bring the car so that he could escape the attacks. On the contrary, they left the scene of

occurrence leaving behind the deceased and PWs 1 and 2. They did not report the matter to

the police and even though they claimed to be friends of the deceased, did not even inform the

family members of the deceased. They owed huge amounts and issued cheques for which they

had made no provision. Ashok Kumar made use of the cheque book of his wife and issued a

cheque in respect of her bank account, though, the same was not operated for quite some time.

Accused Rajesh Kumar’s presence was established as later on, a licensed revolver belonging

to accused Ravinder Kumar was recovered at the instance of Ravinder Kumar. The licence of

the revolver was seized from the house of Ravinder Kumar and the father of the said accused

produced the same before the police in the presence of witnesses. Pistol of the deceased was

also recovered at his instance. The licence in respect of the pistol was seized on a personal

search of the deceased at the spot of occurrence. One Hari Kumar (PW 18) stated that accused

Ravinder Kumar and Ashok Kumar made a statement before him that they had got the

deceased killed because he was demanding money from them. From the fact that the land was

to be selected was only known to accused Ravinder Kumar and Ashok Kumar, an inference

was drawn that it was these two accused who had hired the assailants and planted them well

in advance for the ultimate elimination of the deceased. The fact that accused Ravinder

Kumar left the office of the deceased earlier and joined them at the hotel was considered

significant, as the intervening period was utilized by him to inform the assailants as to where

they would be taking the deceased for the assaults being carried out. Accused Rajesh Kumar

and Subash Kumar had also suffered bullet injury which was on account of the firing done by

the deceased while he was trying to save his life.

5. Recoveries of various weapons used by the assailants were made pursuant to the

disclosures made by the accused Bodhraj, Bhupinder, Subash Kumar, Rajesh Kumar and

Rakesh Kumar. Recoveries were witnessed by several witnesses. Bodhraj was identified by

Jhuggar Singh (PW 6) and Santokh Singh (PW 7). Bhupinder Singh was identified by Hari

Kumar (PW 18) and Gurmit Singh. Similar was the case with accused Subash Kumar. Rajesh

Kumar was identified by Ranjit Sharma (PW 23) and Hari Kumar (PW 18). Accused Rakesh

Kumar was identified by Ranjit Sharma (PW 23) and Gurmit Singh, who was not examined in

court. Accused Bodhraj, Bhupinder, Rakesh Kumar, Rohit and Kewal Krishan were identified

by Nainu Singh (PW 9) while Subash Kumar and Rajesh Kumar were identified by Santokh

Singh (PW 7) and Surjit Singh (PW 8). The identification was done on two dates i.e. 11-8-

1994 and 16-8-1994. Different eyewitnesses claimed to have seen the occurrence either in full

or partially. PWs 1, 2, 7, 8 and 9 were really the crucial witnesses. Santokh Singh (PW 7) was

disbelieved by the trial court as well as by the High Court.


6. In order to establish the plea that conspiracy was hatched, reliance was placed on the

plea of Kapur Chand who was not examined in court. Several other circumstances were

highlighted by the prosecution, to establish the plea of conspiracy. It was submitted that

nobody knew except PW 2 where the land was. If he was the person who had hired the

assailants, they (meaning PW 1 and deceased) would not have gone empty-handed. But,

knowing particularly well that the deceased was always armed, accused Ravinder purchased a

car which was used as a getaway car but never transferred it to his name. It was, however,

conceded by the learned Advocate-General appearing before the trial court that there was no

direct evidence of conspiracy. The police seems to have proceeded to reach the spot on

getting some reliable information.

7. In order to attach vulnerability to the judgment of the High Court, several points were

urged by the learned counsel for the accused persons. It was pointed out that there was no

evidence of any conspiracy. The only witness Kapur Chand who is alleged to have stated

before the police about the conspiracy was not examined. Even the investigating officer has

admitted that there was no direct evidence of conspiracy. There was no evidence collected

against the accused persons to link them with the crime till 11-8-1994 when suddenly

materials have been supposed to come like a floodgate. Initiation of action by the police is

also shrouded in mystery. It has not been disclosed in either the trial court or the High Court

as to how the police received information about the killing and arrived at the spot. Though it

was claimed at some point of time that a telephone call was supposedly made, but the FIR

was registered on the basis of reliable sources. There are no independent witnesses. It is

surprising as the alleged killing took place in the evening time at a highly populated place.

The so-called identification of the witnesses is highly improbable. Additionally, having

discarded the evidence of PW 7 the courts erred in believing the evidence of PWs 8 and 9

who stand on the same footing. The presence of these witnesses is highly doubtful. Their

behaviour was unnatural and there is no corroborative evidence. They are persons with

criminal records. Since their presence is doubtful, identification, if any, done by them

becomes ipso facto doubtful. The recoveries purported to have been done pursuant to the

disclosure made by the accused persons is highly improbable and requisite safeguards have

not been adopted while making alleged recoveries. The case against four of the accused

persons who were acquitted by the trial court rests on circumstantial evidence. The approach

to be adopted by the court while dealing with circumstantial evidence was kept in view by the

trial court. Unfortunately, the High Court did not do so. It was further submitted that there

was no complete chain of circumstances established which ruled out even any remote

possibility of anybody else than the accused persons being the authors of the crime. The

examination of the so-called eyewitnesses PWs 1 and 2 was belated and, therefore, should not

have been accepted. The evidence of PWs vis-à-vis accused persons is so improbable that no

credence should be put on it. The High Court should not have disturbed the findings of

innocence of the four accused persons without any plausible reasoning.

9. Before analysing factual aspects it may be stated that for a crime to be proved it is not

necessary that the crime must be seen to have been committed and must, in all circumstances

be proved by direct ocular evidence by examining before the court those persons who had

seen its commission. The offence can be proved by circumstantial evidence also. The


principal fact or factum probandum may be proved indirectly by means of certain inferences

drawn from factum probans, that is, the evidentiary facts. To put it differently, circumstantial

evidence is not direct to the point in issue but consists of evidence of various other facts

which are so closely associated with the fact in issue that taken together they form a chain of

circumstances from which the existence of the principal fact can be legally inferred or


10. It has been consistently laid down by this Court that where a case rests squarely on

circumstantial evidence, the inference of guilt can be justified only when all the incriminating

facts and circumstances are found to be incompatible with the innocence of the accused or the

guilt of any other person.

The circumstances from which an inference as to the guilt of the accused is drawn have

to be proved beyond reasonable doubt and have to be shown to be closely connected with the

principal fact sought to be inferred from those circumstances. In Bhagat Ram v. State of

Punjab [AIR 1954 SC 621], it was laid down that where the case depends upon the

conclusion drawn from circumstances the cumulative effect of the circumstances must be

such as to negative the innocence of the accused and bring home the offences beyond any

reasonable doubt.

12. In Padala Veera Reddy v. State of A.P. [AIR 1990 SC 79], it was laid down that

when a case rests upon circumstantial evidence, such evidence must satisfy the following


“10. (1) the circumstances from which an inference of guilt is sought to be

drawn, must be cogently and firmly established;

(2) those circumstances should be of a definite tendency unerringly pointing

towards guilt of the accused;

(3) the circumstances, taken cumulatively, should form a chain so complete that

there is no escape from the conclusion that within all human probability the crime

was committed by the accused and none else; and

(4) the circumstantial evidence in order to sustain conviction must be complete

and incapable of explanation of any other hypothesis than that of guilt of the accused

and such evidence should not only be consistent with the guilt of the accused but

should be inconsistent with his innocence.”

16. In Hanumant Govind Nargundkar v. State of M.P. [(1992) 2 SCC 86], it was

observed thus:

“It is well to remember that in cases where the evidence is of a circumstantial

nature, the circumstances from which the conclusion of guilt is to be drawn should be

in the first instance be fully established, and all the facts so established should be

consistent only with the hypothesis of the guilt of the accused. Again, the

circumstances should be of a conclusive nature and tendency and they should be such

as to exclude every hypothesis but the one proposed to be proved. In other words,

there must be a chain of evidence so far complete as not to leave any reasonable

ground for a conclusion consistent with the innocence of the accused and it must be


such as to show that within all human probability the act must have been done by the


17. A reference may be made to a later decision in Sharad Birdhichand Sarda v. State of

Maharashtra [AIR 1984 SC 1622]. Therein, while dealing with circumstantial evidence, it

has been held that the onus was on the prosecution to prove that the chain is complete and the

infirmity of lacuna in the prosecution cannot be cured by a false defence or plea. The

conditions precedent in the words of this Court, before conviction could be based on

circumstantial evidence, must be fully established. They are:

(1) the circumstances from which the conclusion of guilt is to be drawn should

be fully established. The circumstances concerned must or should and not may be


(2) the facts so established should be consistent only with the hypothesis of the

guilt of the accused, that is to say, they should not be explainable on any other

hypothesis except that the accused is guilty;

(3) the circumstances should be of a conclusive nature and tendency;

(4) they should exclude every possible hypothesis except the one to be proved;


(5) there must be a chain of evidence so complete as not to leave any reasonable

ground for the conclusion consistent with the innocence of the accused and must

show that in all human probability the act must have been done by the accused.

18. Emphasis was laid as a circumstance on recovery of weapon of assault, on the basis of

information given by the accused while in custody. The question is whether the evidence

relating to recovery is sufficient to fasten guilt on the accused. Section 27 of the Indian

Evidence Act, 1872 (in short “the Evidence Act”) is by way of proviso to Sections 25 to 26

and a statement even by way of confession made in police custody which distinctly relates to

the fact discovered is admissible in evidence against the accused. The words “so much of such

information” as relates distinctly to the fact thereby discovered, are very important and the

whole force of the section concentrates on them. Clearly the extent of the information

admissible must depend on the exact nature of the fact discovered to which such information

is required to relate. The ban as imposed by the preceding sections was presumably inspired

by the fear of the legislature that a person under police influence might be induced to confess

by the exercise of undue pressure. If all that is required to lift the ban be the inclusion in the

confession of information relating to an object subsequently produced, it seems reasonable to

suppose that the persuasive powers of the police will prove equal to the occasion, and that in

practice the ban will lose its effect. The object of the provision, i.e., Section 27 was to provide

for the admission of evidence which but for the existence of the section could not in

consequence of the preceding sections, be admitted in evidence. It would appear that under

Section 27 as it stands in order to render the evidence leading to discovery of any fact

admissible, the information must come from any accused in custody of the police. The

requirement of police custody is productive of extremely anomalous results and may lead to

the exclusion of much valuable evidence in cases where a person, who is subsequently taken

into custody and becomes an accused, after committing a crime meets a police officer or

voluntarily goes to him or to the police station and states the circumstances of the crime


which lead to the discovery of the dead body, weapon or any other material fact, in

consequence of the information thus received from him. This information which is otherwise

admissible becomes inadmissible under Section 27 if the information did not come from a

person in the custody of a police officer or did come from a person not in the custody of a

police officer. The statement which is admissible under Section 27 is the one which is the

information leading to discovery. Thus, what is admissible being the information, the same

has to be proved and not the opinion formed on it by the police officer. In other words, the

exact information given by the accused while in custody which led to recovery of the articles

has to be proved. It is, therefore, necessary for the benefit of both the accused and the

prosecution that information given should be recorded and proved and if not so recorded, the

exact information must be adduced through evidence. The basic idea embedded in Section 27

of the Evidence Act is the doctrine of confirmation by subsequent events. The doctrine is

founded on the principle that if any fact is discovered as a search made on the strength of any

information obtained from a prisoner, such a discovery is a guarantee that the information

supplied by the prisoner is true. The information might be confessional or non-inculpatory in

nature but if it results in discovery of a fact, it becomes a reliable information. It is now well

settled that recovery of an object is not discovery of fact envisaged in the section. Decision of

the Privy Council in Pulukuri Kottaya v. Emperor [AIR 1947 PC 67], is the most-quoted

authority for supporting the interpretation that the “fact discovered” envisaged in the section

embraces the place from which the object was produced, the knowledge of the accused as to

it, but the information given must relate distinctly to that effect. No doubt, the information

permitted to be admitted in evidence is confined to that portion of the information which

“distinctly relates to the fact thereby discovered”. But the information to get admissibility

need not be so truncated as to make it insensible or incomprehensible. The extent of

information admitted should be consistent with understandability. Mere statement that the

accused led the police and the witnesses to the place where he had concealed the articles is

not indicative of the information given.

19. Coming to the evidence brought on record to substantiate the accusations, it is at least

clear that Accused 1 and 2 left in the company of the deceased. Some evidence has also been

brought to establish the motive i.e. the indebtedness of the accused to the deceased. In

addition to this is the evidence of PWs 1 and 2. So far as Accused 2 is concerned, he almost

stands on the same footing as Accused 1. Additionally, Hari Kumar (PW 18) has stated that

Accused 2 came to his shop and took sweets and left in Car No. JK 02B 566 belonging to

Accused 1. He has also stated about the return of Accused 2 to the shop and a demand for a

scooter. This witness has also stated to have seen Car No. CH 01 5408 passing in front of the

shop carrying seven to eight persons out of which he identified accused Kishore Kumar (since

dead). PW 9 also has stated to have seen the deceased running while being chased and he

claimed to have seen the deceased firing. He stated about Accused 1 and 2 giving lalkara that

the deceased shall be killed and should not escape. Accused 1 had fired some shots in the air.

Another white car No. CH 01 5408 was also standing there. He had identified accused

Bodhraj, Bhupinder, Rakesh Kumar and the two acquitted accused Rohit and Kewal Krishan.

It has to be noted that Car No. CH 01 5408 was found discarded after it had met with an

accident. This car is stated to be the getaway car.


20. As the evidence of PWs 1 and 2 are very material it is desirable to note as to what

their evidence was. On 3-8-1994, PW 1 was in his shop. At about 4.30 p.m., A-1

accompanied by the deceased and A-2 came to meet him in a car. A-1 informed him that he

and his colleagues in the car were interested in setting up a flour mill. A-2 was in a hurry to

proceed towards the site. On their way, PW 1 asked A-1 to stop the car to pick up PW 2. A-2

was reluctant to stop the car and only on PW 1’s insistence PW 2 was picked up. When the

deceased was attacked by the assailants and was pursued by the assailants he had started

running towards the national highway. A-2 also ran after the deceased whereas A-1 kept

standing near PW 1. The deceased asked A-1 to bring the car immediately but A-1 only

shouted to one Shori that the deceased should not escape. PW 1 identified A-1 and A-2 who

were present in the Court.

21. PW 2 stated that on 3-8-1994, he was sitting at his house when at about 4 to 4.30 to

5.00 p.m., PW 1 accompanied by A-1 and A-2 came to his residence and asked him to show

some land to the persons accompanying them for the installation of rice-cum-flour mill. They

all went to Dhiansar by car. When they were still seeing the land, A-2 told them that he

approved of the land and led them to the shop. While returning the deceased was attacked by

4-5 persons who were armed with tokas, daggers etc. The deceased started running away

towards the canal and the assailants followed him and assaulted him. Then PW 1 immediately

told him to inform the police, by which time the deceased had started bleeding, and that he

ran to ring up the police. PW 2, however, noticed that while the deceased was running, he

asked accused A-1 to bring the car but the latter did not move. Meanwhile, PW 2 went to the

house of a contractor which was at a distance of 200 ft from the place of occurrence to make

the telephone call. When he came back, he found the dead body of the deceased lying on the

road and heard accused A-2 telling accused A-1 “kam ho gaya, let us go to Jammu”. The

presence of PWs 1 and 2 at the place of occurrence is fortified from the fact that they were

witnesses to the seizure memos Exts. PW-GS, PW-GS/1 and PW-GS/2 recorded by the police

immediately after the incident.

22. Evidence of PWs 8, 9 and 18 are also relevant and their evidence is to the following

effect. PW 8 (Surjit Singh) inter alia, stated as follows:

On 3-8-1994, he had gone for repair of his vehicle to Dhiansar. He was at a tea stall near

the garage when he saw Vehicles Nos. 566 and 5408 parked on the other side of the road. He

saw Kishore armed with a revolver. Shots fired by the deceased caused injuries to two

assailants. Rajesh shot the deceased. The deceased was then surrounded by the assailants and

attacked by tokas, swords etc. Accused Kishore fired in the air and the assailants ran towards

Vehicle No. 5408. He had noticed accused A-1 and A-2 standing near their vehicle. The

assailants reversed the other car and drove towards the deceased and accused Rajesh came out

of the vehicle, picked up the weapon lying near the deceased and they mounted on the vehicle

and drove off. A-1 and A-2 also drove off.

23. PW 9 (Nainu Singh) inter alia, stated as follows:

On 3-8-1994, he was getting a vehicle repaired in a workshop at Dhiansar. He along with

Surjit Singh went towards a tea shop. They heard the sound of firearms being used. They saw

the deceased bleeding profusely and running towards Jammu-Pathankot Road. Six-seven


assailants were chasing him. They were armed with tokas, churas and revolver. The deceased

while running had fired at the assailants. Kishore Kumar who was armed with a pistol was

running after the deceased. The shots fired by the deceased were fired in his presence. Two of

the accused were identified by him as Subash Kumar and Rajesh Kumar. When the deceased

reached near the road, Rajesh Kumar fired at him and hit on his arm. Thereafter, six to seven

persons surrounded the deceased. They were said to be armed with chakus (knives) and

churas (bigger knives) and were stabbing the deceased. Near the workshop gate, Car No. 566

was standing. This was of grey (slaty) colour. A-2 and A-1 had given a lalkara that the

deceased should be killed and should not escape. A-1 had fired some shots in the air. Another

white car bearing No. CH 01 5408 was also parked there. He noticed the accused sitting in the

car. He had identified Krishan Kumar, A-2 and A-1. The driver reversed the car. It was

stopped near the dead body of the deceased. The revolver lying near the deceased was picked

up. After the car had left, A-1 and A-2 also left in another car. He knew the names of the

accused Bhupinder, Rohit and Rakesh Kumar because he had identified them in the police

station in the presence of the Tahsildar. He deposed that accused Bhupinder, Rakesh, Subash

and Rajesh were holding toka, kirch, sword and revolver respectively. The witness identified

the revolver, sword, kirch and toka and stated that these were the weapons with which the

accused were armed.

24. Evidence of PW 18 (Hari Kumar) inter alia, stated is as follows:

He was the owner of a halwai shop in Parade Ground, Jammu. On 3-8- 1994, at about

11.00 a.m. accused Ravi Kumar came to the shop of Hari Kumar in his Car No. CH 01 5408

and left for Moti Bazar. At 1 or 1.30 p.m., accused Ashok and the deceased came to his shop

and told them that they were going to Hotel Asia for taking meals. They took some sweets

from his shop and left in Car No. JK 02B 566 which belonged to A-1. After 10 or 15 minutes,

A-2 also came to the shop and demanded a scooter from him for going to Hotel Asia, telling

him that he needed the scooter since he had given his car to some friend. He did not give a

scooter to A-2. Half an hour thereafter, he found Car No. CH 01 5408 passing in front of his

office shop carrying 7-8 boys out of which he identified Kishore Kumar (who is now dead).

The car was being driven by a dark-complexioned boy.

25. Some factors which weighed with the High Court in upholding the conviction of the

three accused as was done by the trial court are the evidence of eyewitnesses, PWs 1 and 2.

Evidence of these witnesses has been analysed in detail by both the trial court and the High

Court. Before both the said courts, it was urged that they cannot be termed to be truthful

witnesses. By elaborate reasoning the stand was negatived. Additionally, it was noticed that

both Accused 1 and 2 were seen in the company of the deceased by employees of the

deceased i.e. Darshan Singh (PW 15) and Rajinder Kumar (PW 14). Additionally, Hari

Kumar (PW 18) has also spoken about having seen the deceased in the company of Accused 1

and 2. For some time Accused 1 was not in the company of the deceased and Accused 2. At

that period of time he wanted PW 18 to take him to Hotel Asia. He has also stated that

Accused 2 and the deceased had taken some sweets from his shop and were travelling in Car

No. JK 02B 566. He has also stated about the statement of Accused 1 and 2 that there was

some scuffle between some boys and the deceased at the land which they had gone to see and

in that scuffle the killing took place. The reason for this was stated to be pressure on Accused


1 and 2 to return the money. One of the important circumstances noticed by the trial court as

well as the High Court is that the land which was to be seen by the deceased was only known

to Accused 1 and 2. Another circumstance noted was the use of Car No. CH 01 5408. There

was some amount of controversy raised about the owner of the car, as was evident from the

lengthy cross-examination made so far as the original owner, that is, L.B. Gupta, Advocate

(PW 31) is concerned.

26. The evidence of PWs 1 and 2 has rightly been accepted by the trial court and the High

Court and we find no reason to discard their evidence. So far as accused Rajesh Kumar is

concerned, as has been found by the trial court and the High Court, live pistol belonging to

Accused 1 was recovered from his house. He has sustained bullet injuries on account of firing

done by the deceased while trying to protect his life.

27. In view of the circumstances noticed and highlighted by the trial court and the High

Court and in our considered opinion rightly the appeals filed by accused Ravinder Kumar and

Ashok Kumar are devoid of merit and deserve dismissal, which we direct.

28. Coming to the appeals filed by the four appellants who were acquitted by the trial

court but convicted by the High Court, it has been argued with emphasis that even if it is

accepted that two views are possible on the evidence, the one in favour of the accused was to

be accepted and their acquittals should not have been lightly interfered with. It is to be noticed

that the trial court placed reliance on the evidence of Hari Kumar (PW 18) for the purpose of

convicting accused Rajesh Kumar, but so far as the other four accused are concerned, it was

not held to be reliable. There was no cogent reason indicated as to why the same was termed

to be unreliable. Additionally, recoveries were made pursuant to the disclosure made by them.

Though arguments were advanced that due procedure was not followed, in view of the

evidence of the witnesses examined by the prosecution in that regard, we find nothing illegal

ruling out its acceptance. There are certain additional features also. A pant was recovered

from the house of Subash Kumar which had holes indicating passage of bullet. However, a

chemist (PW 22) was examined to show when he had gone to purchase the medicine to be

applied to the injury. It was submitted that so far as Santokh Singh (PW 7) is concerned, his

evidence was held to be not reliable. Therefore, the identification of Accused 5 Subash Kumar

by Santokh Singh was not of any consequence. Even if it is accepted, the evidence relating to

recovery established by the evidence of PW 18 cannot be lost sight of.

29. The evidence of Nainu (PW 9) was also described to be unreliable and it was said that

he stood on a par with Santokh Singh. Similar was the criticism in respect of Surjit Singh.

Their evidence has been analysed in great detail by the High Court and has been held to be

reliable. It is of significance that practically there was no cross-examination on the recovery

aspect. We do not find any reason to differ with the High Court in that regard. There can be

no dispute with the proposition as urged by learned counsel for the appellants that when two

views are possible, the one in favour of the accused has to be preferred. But where the

relevant materials have not been considered to arrive at a view by the trial court, certainly the

High Court has a duty to arrive at a correct conclusion taking a view different from the one

adopted by the trial court. In the case at hand, the course adopted by the High Court is proper.


30. Judged in the aforesaid background, conviction by the High Court of those four who

were acquitted by the trial court does not warrant any interference.

31. The last-seen theory comes into play where the time-gap between the point of time

when the accused and the deceased were seen last alive and when the deceased is found dead

is so small that possibility of any person other than the accused being the author of the crime

becomes impossible. It would be difficult in some cases to positively establish that the

deceased was last seen with the accused when there is a long gap and possibility of other

persons coming in between exists. In the absence of any other positive evidence to conclude

that the accused and the deceased were last seen together, it would be hazardous to come to a

conclusion of guilt in those cases. In this case there is positive evidence that the deceased, A-1

and A-2 were seen together by witnesses, i.e., PWs 14, 15 and 18; in addition to the evidence

of PWs 1 and 2.

32. It was submitted that there was unexplained delay in sending the FIR. This point was

urged before the trial court and also the High Court. It was noticed by the High Court that

Showkat Khan (PW 38) was an investigating officer on 3-8-1994 for a day only. He had taken

steps from 5.30 evening onwards to 9.00 p.m. on the spot. Thereafter, Gian Chand Sharma

(PW 42) was asked to investigate into the matter. It was also noticed that the road between

Bari Brahamana and Samba where the court was located was closed due to traffic on account

of heavy rains. Though, the road was open from Jammu to Bari Brahamana but it was closed

from Bari Brahamana to Samba. The day’s delay for the aforesaid purpose (the FIR had

reached the Magistrate on 5-8-1994) cannot be said to be unusual when proper explanation

has been offered for the delay. The plea of delayed dispatch has been rightly held to be

without any substance.

33. Another point which was urged was the alleged delayed examination of the witnesses.

Here again, it was explained as to why there was delay. Important witnesses were examined

immediately. Further statements were recorded subsequently. Reasons necessitating such

examination were indicated. It was urged that the same was to rope in the accused persons.

This aspect has also been considered by the trial court and the High Court. It has been

recorded that there was a valid reason for the subsequent and/or delayed examination. Such

conclusion has been arrived at after analysing the explanation offered. It cannot be laid down

as a rule of universal application that if there is any delay in examination of a particular

witness the prosecution version becomes suspect. It would depend upon several factors. If the

explanation offered for the delayed examination is plausible and acceptable and the court

accepts the same as plausible, there is no reason to interfere with the conclusion.

35. Therefore, in the aforesaid background, the appeals filed by the four appellants who

were acquitted by the trial court but convicted by the High Court also deserve dismissal which

we direct.

36. Coming to the appeal filed by the State in respect of whom both the trial court and the

High Court recorded acquittal, it is seen that there was no acceptable material. This aspect has

been analysed in great detail by the trial court and the High Court and we do not find any

reason to interfere with the conclusions. The appeal filed by the State is accordingly

dismissed. In the ultimate result, all the four appeals are dismissed.

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